50 WAYS TO FIND A LOVER is a modern novel written by Lucy-Anne Holmes. Lucy-Anne is a british writer, actress, founder of No More Page Three and an author of Just A Girl Standing In The Front Of A Boy I recently read.
I must say, I am a big fan of Ms Holmes writing. Her heroines are always very down-to-earth and very relate able. Of course, her writing never fails to put a smile on my face. And I cannot forget the fact, that all her stories take place in England, my home. This book has not been an exception.
Straight from the beginning, I have been in stitches, laughing out loud. The story is girly, english and true to the every day life. Every single girlfriend I have, can find parts of her life in this story. Seriously, this book is hilariously entertaining until the last page. I have been so impressed with the book, that I bought it as a birthday present and given to one of my girlfriends. And her reaction: THIS BOOK IS BRILLIANT! ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!
Let's meet Sarah Sargent. Sarah is an actress, currently working as a waitress in a horrible diner. She hasn't had a relationship for over four years and hasn't slept with anyone in the last year. Oh not to mention, that she is turning big THIRTY soon and her life is just one big disaster. She shares a flat with her best friend Simon. Her parents and friends are worried about her attitude towards love, so they register her for a reality show where she can find Mr One. But even that goes to hell, so Sarah decides to start a blog and document all her misfortunes of finding a lover to its readers. 50 ways to find a lover is born.
Firstly, let's talk about the edition - package, which holds this story. Paperback. Pastel colours. Illustration of a girl with a laptop (MacBook if I'm not mistaken - plus points). Nice, standard edition. Wouldn't normally catch my eye, but I have loved the previous book so much, that I decided to give it a go.

The story and writing itself is very entertaining, easy to follow, packed with oh-my-gosh-this-story-is-like-a-copy-of-my-life moments. Hilarious. Down-to-earth. Smart. I am confident in saying that anyone who reads it, will find it very funny. I promise you, you won't be able to put it down. You will find so many similarities with your own life, that you won't be able to count them. It's brilliant. 100% guaranteed satisfaction which will put a smile on your face. And that smile will only grow to full blown giggling... when you think that it cannot go any further, boom, there is another set of giggles. Straight until the end.
As I mentioned before, Sarah is one of the most relate able characters, I've read so far. Every single of my girlfriends, every single girl or a woman, can find some piece of herself in this story. Either it's the embarrassing moments, cheating boyfriend or not so satisfying love life. And of course, you will fall in love with Simon. He is just a babe. So sweet. And the friendship between him and Sarah is the cutest. He holds her hair when she is sick, he knows her moods and how to cheer her up.. it's just the sweetest and I am finding myself hoping that somehow these two will end up together... I don't like Paul, there is something shady about him, which I cannot put my finger on...YET.
The story is great. I love the ups and downs of Sarah's single life and her journey to find Mr Right. I love the idea of incorporating a blog (which is so popular at the moment) and I love the whole idea of different quests to find love and how everything interlocks within certain circle.
I have absolutely adored reading this story and there were occasions when I was laughing out loud as I couldn't contain it any longer. But my favourite part was near to the end. I am not going to tell you which one, you need to work it out yourself, but I give you a hint - it's written by a blogger behind A Bachelor's quest (wink-wink). This part made me tear up a little bit. You know my romantic soul.
All in all, I was very satisfied with another book written by this wonderful author. It has been an incredible journey filled with laughter. Thank you Lucy-Anne for writing another hilarious, down-to-earth story, every girl can relate to. You are quickly becoming one of my favourite british authors.