Wednesday 15 October 2014

James Dashner: THE MAZE RUNNER

Warning! Nothing is what it seems to be. The Maze is one big huge secret.

THE MAZE RUNNER is a ground breaking, best-selling novel (first one in the series) written by American author James Dashner.

I will be honest, I have had this book on my book shelf for a while, but only recently it made it on my list of books for Autumn Reading Challenge. Maybe, the reason might the fact that the film adaptation has come out this month; maybe, it's because I couldn't wait to find out for myself what is the fuss about. But I can tell you one thing for sure, I do not regret reading this book.

The Maze Runner has been compared to Hunger Games trilogy. I have not read the Hunger Games... Yet. But comparing to the films, my opinion is : It's better than the Hunger Games. It's better than Divergent. Possibly, it might one of the best book series, I've read. But that depends on the other two sequels.. I guess...

The Maze Runner is a story of group of boys who are dropped off into mysterious Glade. The story starts with Thomas. He doesn't remember who he is, where he comes from or what happened in the past. All he remembers is the general knowledge of world's history and happenings, and his name. And he is not the only one. All the boys in the Glade have gone through the same things. Thomas starts to learn about the life in Glade, when things start changing. First, there is a new newbie dropped into Glade the day after Thomas arrived. Second, the newbie is a GIRL. Like a girl girl. And she has a mysterious message. That more things, dangerous things come around the corner. What it all means? Why this group of boys has been put into the Glade in the first place?

This book has been a dangerous exciting ride packed with excitement.  I have loved every page and every single chapter of this book. I couldn't believe my eyes what I was reading. It was so inventive, original,  exciting, dangerous, thrilling, but at them same very easy to follow and read. It took my breath away with its continuous surprises, twists and turns. Its brilliance shines through its pages. The twists and turns written in the story are fantastic. You find yourself glued to the pages and you don't want to let go. It's absolutely fascinating.

All the characters are true to normal personalities of teenagers who were put into dangerous environment and are learning to survive. And I think they are coping rather well. Let's meet some of the main characters:

THOMAS. Smart, heroic, wanting to help others all the time. He is a bit confused at the beginning. But slowly his hero personality shines through and he proves to himself and others that he is one of the most brilliant people they know.

TERESA. I was not sure about this character when she showed up in Glade, probably because she spent most of book in a coma, but she is beautiful, intelligent a clearly there is a big secret connection between her and Thomas. I am sure we will find out more about it in the other books.

NEWT. I think he is my favourite character. He can be annoying at times, but I think he could be a great leader. He isn't judgemental and always hear everyone's point of view, before he makes his mind up. And he is always fair and believes in you.

CHUCK. Sweet innocent Chuck, who became one of the bravest characters at the end. He was like the younger brother who keeps annoying you, but soon enough you know that you love him unconditionally.

MINHO. Sometimes brutally honest, but wonderful friends. He is very practical and tries to do his best. Although he might loose his courage from time to time, at the end he fights for survival with every he's got.

The Maze Runner is an epic story of fight to survive the unexpected. It's packed with action and countless unexpected, sometimes hurtful secrets, which keeps you on your toes with its constantly thrilling plot. Honestly, these kids must have done something seriously wrong in their past lives to deserve to be put through these challenges.

You will fall for this story so much, that when you reach the end of the book, you will want to read on  and start the next book immediately. Guaranteed cliff-hanger which will leave you with your mouth wide opened. I cannot wait to finish my Autumn Reading Challenge so I can move on to THE SCORCH TRIALS & DEATH CURE.

Of course, I cannot wait to see the film adaptation which is in cinema at the moment. In the meantime, check out the trailer below!

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