OK. So I am not a person who follows diet books. I actually have never in my whole life bought a diet book. But this book sparkled my interest when I was reading dailymail.co.uk. I know! Like that would not be bad enough! But the days at work are long and boring. So please, give me a break.
So one day looking throught the website I came across an article about this book. Basically the author was shocked that it suggested cold baths in the morning, black coffee and so other silly stuff. So me being me (and I put some extra pounds on over the holiday), I got home and order it to my lovely kindle. And I have immediately started to read. And I read and read and read. Gone through it within couple of days on my bus journeys to work.
I will be very honest. I do not do diets from a simple reason - they do not work for me. I had to develop my own plan to loose weight and keep it off. I cannot even deal with personal trainers bcos i purely think that sometime they have not got a clue about person's body and their goals. I know you guys, who are personal trainers, will probably disagree with me and that is fair. You have been probably studying the sport science and are well train in your job but it does not work for me. I am sorry. So I stumble across this book and I have to say that it has some silly ways of loosing way and fat but I like how it explains how the body works. I understand my body so much better now.
I have stuck to this diet for 3 weeks (it is not bcos it did not work - the opposite is the truth, its bcos i went on another holiday and couldnt stick to it). I have not been following all the rules. My schedule was this. Woke up at 5.45 AM, cleaned my teeth, drunk a cup of black coffee (no milk so it boost my metabolism) and went to the gym for 45 mins. I waited 3 hours after gym session to eat my first meal and then i had to normal meals. Yes occasionally I went for a yoga or pilates class in the afternoon which helped as well. My last meal for after 5PM and it usually was high protein one (yogurt in my case as I am a vegetarian). I have to say I did not have a cold bath in the morning, but I have still felt more energiazed and I have lost inches and been more toned. I loved the results and if you work really hard, it works and you get the body you dream of.
I have read various reviews about this book on amazon. Some of them called the anorexia bible and apparently it is full of this from pro-anorexia website. This is not true. You eat 3 meals a day. It is basically a high protein diet and it makes you to work-out. Which basically leads to healthy lifestyle. Even the goverment recommends 20 mins of activity a day so you burn calories, have a healthy lifestyle and do not become obese. Trust me, I have watched so many healthy lifestyle programs. Currently my fave is on Channel 4 - Embarrasing Fat Bodies.
As I said at the beginning of this post, I do not read diet books usually, it was only pure fascination with the article which brought me to this book. But I have to say this book teach some very good eating and healthy lifestyle habbits. And that comes from a girl who used to be anorexic. I will always have a weird relationship with food. My family and my friends know it all, but this time I have not felt like I was starving myself on a boring diet. Instead I have been fully of energy and kept certain habbits up until now.
Tell me about your succesful story! Write in the comments below if you have one and want to share. We girls always want to discuss body issues, dont we? hehe
As usual you can get this book on Amazon.co.uk - kindle version £7.99 and paperback for £8.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Harper's BAZAAR Great Style - JENNY LEVIN

Harper's BAZAAR came up with one of the best ones on the market. It gives you advice like what you should have in your wardrobe, how to dress for various age decades or how to dress for various occasions.
It is full of pictures and great advice on how to style yourself so you do not overdo it. It uses a lot of examples (celebrities) you can relate too and actually it helps you find your own style. Well, it certainly helped me.
So if you are, like I was, struggling to find your own style. Something you would feel comfortable in. Something which would match your personality and taste and it is age appropriate, have a browse through the Harper's BAZAAR Great Style Book. I promise you will not regret it.
I have attached some of the pics of the pages from this books as I think it is one of the best ones in the shops. And its not expensive. I bought mine in Borders (amazing book shop which closed down - such a shame!) but you can find it also online on website like amazon or ebay.
Good luck with finding your own style lovelies :) xXx
Sundays At Tiffany's is a sweet sweet story which will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. I have picked up this book one Friday night in Asda for about £2. You know the feeling when you want to read something which is not very complecated - just something which will put you in the happy mood and restore the faith in love and there is somebody in the world who you supposed to be with (this happens to me quite often).
And Sundays At Tiffany's is a perfect book to do just that. It is easy to read and follow. I just adore the story about a girl who's true love is actually her imaginary friend from childhood. I was actually surprised that this was the story. Especially in current times when everybody is practical and do not believe in imaginary friends. Sometimes I feel that I am one of few people who actually believe in soulmates and true love. So book like this one makes me really happy. I know! How cheesy!
The story focuses on Jane and her imaginary friend Michael. As any child with complicated life Jane has an imaginary friend who makes her life more bareable. They do everything together but unfortunately as in any other child life there is the time when the imaginary friend needs to leave and let Jane live her life. Jane supposed to forget about Michael, but she never ever does. She even writes a musical and starts a production on a movie inspired by Michael and their relationship. 23 years later they meet again and develop a different type of relationship - they fall in love. But he is an angel and she is a human. How they can be together. So we follow their story. And all the way through we have fingers crossed that they will find a way to be together. Will they get their happy ending? I will not spoil this for you, read it!
As I said, this book is one very lovely book which is great if you want to have some Me time spending reading and relaxing. Make yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee (hot chocolate is permitted also), makes yourself comfortable on the sofa (bed, bath, garden..) and start reading. I promise, that if you are a romantic soul like me, you will not put this book down.
As usual you can can the kindle version from amazon.co.uk for £4.74 and paperback for about £5.20. So go on. Get it and let me know what do you think about this unusual piece by James Patterson.
Happy reading lovelies ! xXx
And Sundays At Tiffany's is a perfect book to do just that. It is easy to read and follow. I just adore the story about a girl who's true love is actually her imaginary friend from childhood. I was actually surprised that this was the story. Especially in current times when everybody is practical and do not believe in imaginary friends. Sometimes I feel that I am one of few people who actually believe in soulmates and true love. So book like this one makes me really happy. I know! How cheesy!
The story focuses on Jane and her imaginary friend Michael. As any child with complicated life Jane has an imaginary friend who makes her life more bareable. They do everything together but unfortunately as in any other child life there is the time when the imaginary friend needs to leave and let Jane live her life. Jane supposed to forget about Michael, but she never ever does. She even writes a musical and starts a production on a movie inspired by Michael and their relationship. 23 years later they meet again and develop a different type of relationship - they fall in love. But he is an angel and she is a human. How they can be together. So we follow their story. And all the way through we have fingers crossed that they will find a way to be together. Will they get their happy ending? I will not spoil this for you, read it!
As I said, this book is one very lovely book which is great if you want to have some Me time spending reading and relaxing. Make yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee (hot chocolate is permitted also), makes yourself comfortable on the sofa (bed, bath, garden..) and start reading. I promise, that if you are a romantic soul like me, you will not put this book down.
As usual you can can the kindle version from amazon.co.uk for £4.74 and paperback for about £5.20. So go on. Get it and let me know what do you think about this unusual piece by James Patterson.
Happy reading lovelies ! xXx
The Twilight Saga - STEPHANIE MEYER
If I am being honest, i was a little bit worried about writing about these books. Not because I do not like them. The opposite is the case. Absolutely adores these books. The Twilight Saga is on the list of books which I want my daughter (if one day i have one) to read.
But what can I say about these books you have not read already? Every girl, woman, grandma, teenager.. every romantic soul or person obsessed with vampire stories, heard about these books and movies. Stephenie Meyer caused a phennomen which took over the world.
I am not going to bother you about the plot. Why should I? You either read the books or saw the movies. Or both. All I can really say... Read them! If you have daughters, grand-daughers, nieces, cousins, friends who are not old enough to read yet or have not read them yet (like that is possible!), make sure their read them too. I think the story is a wonderful story of true love and how it can survive anything what is thrown at it. It is about the strenght of the friendship and how hard it can sometimes be. It is about every feeling possible you have when you fall in love for the first time.
And that is the reason why it is on my list of books I recommend even for future generation to read. It is the wonderful description of love between Edward and Bella. The feelings which take over you when fall in love. Every girl wants to be Bella. Every single one of them knows the most wonderful feeling in the world. There is nothing better than that. And Edward.. Who could not fall in love with the perfect boyfriend? Only the Team Jacob. And Jacob is such a wonderful friend to Bella and later on to Edward as well.
My favourite quote from this book is simply : "So the lion fell in love with the lamb..!" I love the quote, not sure why it left such an impression on me, but it is wonderful.
My favourite book has to be Eclipse and unfortunately the only book I have not enjoyed is New Moon. I know that most of you will probably disagree with me, but i found it a little boring. I hated the fact that Edward broke Bella's heart. And I completely understand how Bella feels and how tough is it to be heartbroken but she is taking to extremes sometimes. And the thing with putting herself in danger just to see a glimpse of memory of Edward.. I don't know... It is a bit too much for me. But the rest of the books are wonderful. I actually love them all. They are big part of my library and life.
So come lovelies!! READ READ READ !! xXx
But what can I say about these books you have not read already? Every girl, woman, grandma, teenager.. every romantic soul or person obsessed with vampire stories, heard about these books and movies. Stephenie Meyer caused a phennomen which took over the world.
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
And that is the reason why it is on my list of books I recommend even for future generation to read. It is the wonderful description of love between Edward and Bella. The feelings which take over you when fall in love. Every girl wants to be Bella. Every single one of them knows the most wonderful feeling in the world. There is nothing better than that. And Edward.. Who could not fall in love with the perfect boyfriend? Only the Team Jacob. And Jacob is such a wonderful friend to Bella and later on to Edward as well.
My favourite quote from this book is simply : "So the lion fell in love with the lamb..!" I love the quote, not sure why it left such an impression on me, but it is wonderful.
My favourite book has to be Eclipse and unfortunately the only book I have not enjoyed is New Moon. I know that most of you will probably disagree with me, but i found it a little boring. I hated the fact that Edward broke Bella's heart. And I completely understand how Bella feels and how tough is it to be heartbroken but she is taking to extremes sometimes. And the thing with putting herself in danger just to see a glimpse of memory of Edward.. I don't know... It is a bit too much for me. But the rest of the books are wonderful. I actually love them all. They are big part of my library and life.
So come lovelies!! READ READ READ !! xXx
The Robert Langdon Books - DAN BROWN
I have chosen to write about these 3 books in one post from one simple reason. They are all adventures of the professor Robert Langdon. I have been introduced to Dan Brown and his writing by my little sister who one day 7 years ago brought home DaVinci code and since then i have been a fan of his adventures and the charm of Professor Langdon.
Da Vinci Code
This is the first book I have read by Dan Brown. Only after reading Angels & Demons I had realised that I was supposed to read that one first but it does not really matter to me to be honest. I was captivated by this book . My sister read it first and I was just watching her enjoying the book. So as soon as she finished I grabbed and did not let go for 3 days. I was absolutely ingrossed in the book. I even went and got a picture of Last Supper and looked and searched for all the signs Robert Langdon mentioned in the book. Amazing how somebody's mind can produce such a theory. And trust me I am a massive fan of Dan Brown theory mentioned in this book. Always been a fan of conspriration theories. I highly recommend this book to read. It is exciting, adventurous, mind-blowing book which captures you and will not let you go.
Angels & Demons
I have to say this is my favourite book from Robert Langdon's adventure books. If you are fan of DaVinci Code, you will absolutely love Angels&Demons. I love the dynamic of this book. It is a fast story, which never leaves you bored and you have to continue to read on because you will want to find out what will happen next. Also i was amazingly shocked by the twist at the end. This book does not disappoint on surprising twist and turns.
The Lost Symbol
I got a Lost Symbol as a present from my Ex on my 23rd birthday. He knew I was a fan of Dan Brown's writing so when Lost Symbol came out, he got it for me straight away. I was so excited to read this book. Why not? Both previous novels were so amazingly good. But I have to say I was really really disappointed. I actually have to say that it was painful to read. Lost Symbol was the first and only book which took me 3 months to read as I could not get into it. I was enthusiastic at the beginning. First 5 chapters went down easily but gradually the book got more and more boring. No fast pace story, no excitement, no exciting theories. Everything was just bland. I had to actually make myself read this book. Every day I was only able to read a chapter or two because I was falling asleep. The story got a little bit exciting three quaters into the book but then the twist disappointed again. I have to say this is one of small number of books I do not like and do not recommend to read as I want to spare you the disappointment.
All in all I do recommend DaVinci Code and Angels&Demons. They are books which will keep you on the edge and you will want to read them as they are interesting and full of twist and turns in the story you would never expect. Their flow is exciting and easy to follow. Unfortunaly, to my great disappointment, I am not recommending Lost Symbol for reasons above.
If you fancy buying these books, Amazon.co.uk is fairly cheap. Kindle versions of DaVinci Code and Angels&Demons are £5.22 and Lost Symbol (surprisingly cheaper - probably thanks to being rubbish) is £3.67. If you are still a fan of good old books ( I am too, its just not practical for me to have a massive library at the moment ) you can get paperbacks for about £3.
Da Vinci Code
This is the first book I have read by Dan Brown. Only after reading Angels & Demons I had realised that I was supposed to read that one first but it does not really matter to me to be honest. I was captivated by this book . My sister read it first and I was just watching her enjoying the book. So as soon as she finished I grabbed and did not let go for 3 days. I was absolutely ingrossed in the book. I even went and got a picture of Last Supper and looked and searched for all the signs Robert Langdon mentioned in the book. Amazing how somebody's mind can produce such a theory. And trust me I am a massive fan of Dan Brown theory mentioned in this book. Always been a fan of conspriration theories. I highly recommend this book to read. It is exciting, adventurous, mind-blowing book which captures you and will not let you go.
Angels & Demons
I have to say this is my favourite book from Robert Langdon's adventure books. If you are fan of DaVinci Code, you will absolutely love Angels&Demons. I love the dynamic of this book. It is a fast story, which never leaves you bored and you have to continue to read on because you will want to find out what will happen next. Also i was amazingly shocked by the twist at the end. This book does not disappoint on surprising twist and turns.
The Lost Symbol
I got a Lost Symbol as a present from my Ex on my 23rd birthday. He knew I was a fan of Dan Brown's writing so when Lost Symbol came out, he got it for me straight away. I was so excited to read this book. Why not? Both previous novels were so amazingly good. But I have to say I was really really disappointed. I actually have to say that it was painful to read. Lost Symbol was the first and only book which took me 3 months to read as I could not get into it. I was enthusiastic at the beginning. First 5 chapters went down easily but gradually the book got more and more boring. No fast pace story, no excitement, no exciting theories. Everything was just bland. I had to actually make myself read this book. Every day I was only able to read a chapter or two because I was falling asleep. The story got a little bit exciting three quaters into the book but then the twist disappointed again. I have to say this is one of small number of books I do not like and do not recommend to read as I want to spare you the disappointment.
All in all I do recommend DaVinci Code and Angels&Demons. They are books which will keep you on the edge and you will want to read them as they are interesting and full of twist and turns in the story you would never expect. Their flow is exciting and easy to follow. Unfortunaly, to my great disappointment, I am not recommending Lost Symbol for reasons above.
If you fancy buying these books, Amazon.co.uk is fairly cheap. Kindle versions of DaVinci Code and Angels&Demons are £5.22 and Lost Symbol (surprisingly cheaper - probably thanks to being rubbish) is £3.67. If you are still a fan of good old books ( I am too, its just not practical for me to have a massive library at the moment ) you can get paperbacks for about £3.
Say You Love Me is one of my favourite books since childhood. To be true, i actually thank to my mum for introducing me to this book. She borrowed it from the local library when i was about 16 and read within one day and then recomenned it to me. And i fell in love! Say You Love Me became a pernament member of my library. I have got in both Slovakian and English.
As a 17 year old girl, all you dream about is everlasting romantic love, adventure a end up with the one you love at the end. And this book brings you just that. It is like a little escape from reality of life.
I absolutely look up to the heroine in this book. Kelsey is one of my favourite main characters of all the times. I think, at that time of my life, she was a good example. I took so many things she did and how she behaved to the heart and tried to be a better person for it. Kelsey sold herself in the middle of a whore house so her uncle can pay off her debts and her sister can live without a shame. She has been strong after her parents tragic death and she has been even more stronger and independent woman all the way through relationship with Derek. She was not playing the character of manupulative girl who can get as much as she wants out of her situation with Derek. She has just been herself, no pretending (well maybe apart from the fact that she hasn't told him who she really is), no greediness. She was just kind and loving smart girl who captured the heart of even heartthrob like Derek.
Derek is great too. He is an English gentleman who knows how to behave when needed but also enjoys the funny side of the life. I fell in love with him even more when he did not give when Kelsey rejected his marriage proposal. In contrary he tried even harder to get her to say 'Yes.' . I also adored how he accepted that his mother was a normal servant in his house. Very well done. And brave for that time.
Also I like the side love story between Jason Mallory and Molly. It's incredible how much they loved each other and how strong their love was. It survived years and years. And they still looked at each other the same way. This is something I am looking for in life. Everlasting love!
I get back to this book every year. It's kinda my way through hard times or if I am having a bad week. I have my favourite parts which I skip to. This is a book which will be with me always. Shame you can't get iron Kindle :( but you can get it from amazon.co.uk - market place for about £1. Bargain! This book will make you smile and will happy mood back into your life. Especially when you are a romantic soul like me. Happy reading !!

I absolutely look up to the heroine in this book. Kelsey is one of my favourite main characters of all the times. I think, at that time of my life, she was a good example. I took so many things she did and how she behaved to the heart and tried to be a better person for it. Kelsey sold herself in the middle of a whore house so her uncle can pay off her debts and her sister can live without a shame. She has been strong after her parents tragic death and she has been even more stronger and independent woman all the way through relationship with Derek. She was not playing the character of manupulative girl who can get as much as she wants out of her situation with Derek. She has just been herself, no pretending (well maybe apart from the fact that she hasn't told him who she really is), no greediness. She was just kind and loving smart girl who captured the heart of even heartthrob like Derek.
Derek is great too. He is an English gentleman who knows how to behave when needed but also enjoys the funny side of the life. I fell in love with him even more when he did not give when Kelsey rejected his marriage proposal. In contrary he tried even harder to get her to say 'Yes.' . I also adored how he accepted that his mother was a normal servant in his house. Very well done. And brave for that time.
Also I like the side love story between Jason Mallory and Molly. It's incredible how much they loved each other and how strong their love was. It survived years and years. And they still looked at each other the same way. This is something I am looking for in life. Everlasting love!
I get back to this book every year. It's kinda my way through hard times or if I am having a bad week. I have my favourite parts which I skip to. This is a book which will be with me always. Shame you can't get iron Kindle :( but you can get it from amazon.co.uk - market place for about £1. Bargain! This book will make you smile and will happy mood back into your life. Especially when you are a romantic soul like me. Happy reading !!
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