Harper's BAZAAR came up with one of the best ones on the market. It gives you advice like what you should have in your wardrobe, how to dress for various age decades or how to dress for various occasions.
It is full of pictures and great advice on how to style yourself so you do not overdo it. It uses a lot of examples (celebrities) you can relate too and actually it helps you find your own style. Well, it certainly helped me.
So if you are, like I was, struggling to find your own style. Something you would feel comfortable in. Something which would match your personality and taste and it is age appropriate, have a browse through the Harper's BAZAAR Great Style Book. I promise you will not regret it.
I have attached some of the pics of the pages from this books as I think it is one of the best ones in the shops. And its not expensive. I bought mine in Borders (amazing book shop which closed down - such a shame!) but you can find it also online on website like amazon or ebay.
Good luck with finding your own style lovelies :) xXx
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