Monday 21 September 2015

Jojo Moyes : ME BEFORE YOU

Warning! Items required for reading the book: Box of Kleenex & an Emergency Tub of Ben & Jerry's Ice-cream, preferably Phish Food! And you shouldn't have any plans for next couple of days... You will need them to recover.

ME BEFORE YOU is a new adult novel written by the gorgeous and very talented Jojo Moyes.

I have been hearing about this book for quite some time. I have read all the reviews about this well-known book. The book bloggers around the world fell in love with it and it changed their lives. So of course, I had to find out for myself, what miracle this book beholds.


Lou Clark knows lots of things.

She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not log her boyfriend Patrick.

What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane.

Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now, and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that.

What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of colour. And neither of them knows they're going to change the other for all time.


Firstly, let's talk about the package this beautiful story is wrapped up in. The edition. I own the paperback published in 2012 by Penguin Books. 481 pages divided into 27 chapters. Simple design. Beige background with bold title and a girl sending off a bird to the uncharted territory. As I said simple, but beautiful. I have noticed that a lot of the author's books are made with the similar design. I like it!!

The writing is wonderful. Jojo Moyes has a talented on capturing people's raw emotions. Their flaws. Their behaviour. And what keeps them going. She approached a subject not many writers are brave enough to do. A decision to commit an assisted suicide. And her unique story-telling told gave a wonderful touching take on it. You find yourself absolutely mesmerised with this original tale. You cannot help but wonder what would you do if you were either in Will's or Lou's shoes. What would your approached to life would be in their situation? What would you do if your lover, friend, husband decides to take his own life as he feels like the life they have now its not worth living. Would you give up? Would try to change their mind? So many questions... So many things to think about...

And this is why this book is so special. It's heart-shattering. Absolutely heartbreaking. But you cannot help but read on even if you have the feeling that this story doesn't have a happy ending. It will make you feel a whole scale of emotions. Even if you are the toughest person in the world, this book will make you cry. 100%. I swear.

It is a haunting love story which will stay with you for a long time after you have finish reading it. I was left speechless with a blotchy face, sobbing like a baby. I was an emotional wreck. It shattered my heart into pieces. I am still not OK. A pure perfection and an original which you will re-read in the future. And you will recommend it to every person you meet because this story has to be passed on. It has to be shared.

So thank you Ms Moyes for bringing this story into our lives. Thank you for sharing the subject of people left injured, disabled and with life completely changed. Thank you raising the issue of how people react to these situation. Thank you for pointing out the lack of understanding on the part of others. And thank you for approaching such a tabu subject - a decision to commit a suicide. But most of all thank you for writing this beautiful, heart-wretching, completely heart-shattering and absolutely mind-blowing love story which changes everyone who reads it. It's a true gift to your readers.

Of course, I cannot forget to mention that this amazing tale is going to be a film pretty soon. With the release day to be set it in 2016, we will have the pleasure to see the lives of Lou and Will on the big screen. And I am definitely going to see that :)

Also, I am not sure if you are aware but whilst the film was being made, Jojo realised how much people love this story and decided to treat us to a sequel which is due to be published this month. Mark September 29th into your calendars. AFTER YOU is going to be out for the world to read. I let you on a secret. I have already pre-order it.

Thank you again Ms Moyes. This was a true pleasure to read. An absolute perfection of a book.


  1. This book sounds so good! Lovely post xxx


    1. It's amazing and so touching. Definitely worth the read! xoxo
