Thursday 19 February 2015


Warning! Items required when reading this book: Coffee, Chocolate & Big Box Of Kleenex! Prepare yourself for major feels!

TO ALL THE BOYS I'VE LOVED BEFORE is a contemporary YA novel written by the very talented Jenny Han.

Ms Han is not a newbie in the literary world. You might have heard of her Burn For Burn Series  (which she co-wrote with Siobhan Vivian) or her The Summer series. But she literally took over the readers world, when she published To All The Boys I've Loved Before last year. I have been recommended this book by many of my fellow blogger friends. It seems that there is something really special about this book, so when Sara & I were picking this month's read for #ZCbookclub, this was a clear winner!


Lara Jean's love life is about to go from imaginary to way out of control. Lara Jean Song keeps her love letters in hatbox her mother gave her - one for every boy she's ever loved. She can say anything she wants, because the letters are for her eyes only. It's her goodbye to them. It's how she falls out of love with them. But then the unexpected happens and the letters get sent out. And Lara's love life is about to get seriously complicated.


Let's talk about the edition first. I own the paperback. 422 pages divided into 72 beautifully written chapters. There is beautiful image of Lara Jean on the front. It's very modern but there are some vintage aspects of the picture too. The font used for he name and author is absolutely beautiful and suits the book well. I have actually purchased the hardback too! You know, how I get when I discover a great story.

Which brings me to the story itself. You know that there aren't many books in the world you enjoy reading so much that they leave a permanent mark on you. For me it's been only few : The Perks Of Being a Wallflower, Soulmates, Eleanor & Park, The Night Circus.. And mostly recently Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Now let me tell you, this book has join this exclusive club. This story got under my skin straight from the first page and wouldn't let go. I was going through the chapters like my life would depend on it. I just could not put it down.

This story is a beautiful story of falling in love for the first time. It goes through a monition when you think you are in love, but then discover that the person you thought you love is not the person for you after all. And then you find love in the most unexpected place. Jenny Han managed to tell this story in wonderful thoughtful manner. Her storytelling just takes your breathe away. Not only she touches upon subject of first love, but the relationships and love within family who has been through a major heart-break but pulled through.

This book is beautiful. Mesmerising. Hilarious at parts. Smart. Adorable at some places.  Very relate-able. And absolutely un-put-down-able. The writing is packed with modern-day references so many of us can relate to. And the way Ms Han writes is magical. You become part of the story. You invest yourself in it so much without even realising it. And you just want to read on. You don't want to miss anything. You want to know more. So you keep on turning the pages and when it's over you have a serious book-hangover nothing can cure. Not even a massive amounts of chocolate - trust me, I have tried. The writing is so unique that it leaves you with so many emotions and feels.

And that is thanks to the wonderful characters Ms Han has created. Lara Jean is such a sweet characters so many of us girls can relate to. We all had various crushes on boys. We all found a way to deal with the heart-break, but if it comes to first love we are scared as much as her. At the start I was routining for her and Josh to somehow find their way to each other - even though he is still in love with Margot. But then Peter Kavinsky showed up! We all like the cheeky boy attitude. He is a full package - handsome, athletic, laid back, funny.. Only hang up is his forever appearing ex. Grrr. Go away Gen!! But my absolute favourite character is Kitty. She is the cutest, most adorable sister everyone wants to have. She is smart and driven by what she wants - a puppy for christmas !! Brilliant.

I adored the interaction between the Song Girls. That's a relationship every mother wants for their children. And I wish me and my sister had such a great relationship when we were younger. It's addictive. Not to mentioned the cat-dog relationship between Lara Jean and Peter. Their constant bickering is hilariously funny and keeps the dynamic exciting. And Kitty absolutely adores him and wears him down so he starts to love her too. It's beautiful.

All in all, I have fallen under the spell of To All The Boys I've Loved Before. I have already pre-order the second book - PS I STILL LOVE YOU on Amazon. I can't wait to find out if Lara Jean & Peter make it at the end. Will Margot find a new love? I hope Mr Covey will start to date. He needs someone special in his life too.

Thank YOU!!! Thank YOU!! THANK YOU !! Million times thank you, Jenny Han for writing is absolute adorably beautiful story so many fell in love with. It's a pure perfection !

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