Sunday 19 May 2013


So, it's a Saturday night. I am single. I am a geek and there is no night out planned in my diary. All my housemates are in bed sleeping and I am wide awake.  So I have decided to checkout the movie WARM BODIES. I wanted to this for a while so tonight seemed like a good opportunity. 

You all read my review of the book and you all know how surprised I was when I found out how good this book actually is. So there is no surprise that I have decided to see for myself if the movie is any good as well. The trailer, I must say,  put me and my friends off from watching it. It is a bit too cheesy. I think that is the main reason I have not pressed my friends to go to the pictures to watch it. 

So here I am on Saturday night finding myself watching this movie online. And I must say I have enjoyed myself very much. 

This movie came out to cinemas earlier this year. It has been written and directed by Jonathan Levine. He also directed a movie starring Seth Rogen and Joseph Gordon-Hewitt 50/50. And that is a proof that this movie has a solid base. To this magical mixture we can add an awesome performance of two young upcoming stars - Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer and we have a fun movie about zombies. 

Firstly let me mention the soundtrack. It is absolutely fantastic. The track list includes names like Bob Dylan, M83, Bruce Springsteen, Guns'N'Roses, The National... I don't need to mention all of them. It is a pure genius and it works wonderfully with the movie. Well done to the soundtrack team. 

Secondly let me mention Nicholas Hoult and his performance as R. Hot. Sexy. Dark. Mysterious. Weird. Zombie-like. Sweet. Funny. Exactly how R should be and how I have imagined him in my head. I love his inside dialogues with himself. What a great performance. Teresa Palmer is a great Julie. She is strong. Independent. Sweet. Open-minded. Full of life. She is exactly the Julie R falls for in the book. I think they have an amazing chemistry.

The whole story went through little changes, but I actually liked them. The story is easy to follow and flows very well. You know where you are and you can kinda guess what will happen. But it is a nice movie. No brainer. Easy to watch. Very funny. The dialogues and the scene are wonderfully made and give the book what it deserves. Shame that you cannot get some of the great opinions which were touched in the book. That is my only reserve. 

But other than that I must say that this is the first zombie movie I have truly enjoyed. It is a romantic comedy which even guys can go and see without them moping that it's a girlie film. It is mostly directed towards the younger generation but I think anyone can enjoy it. 

Saturday night well spent! 

Check out the trailer below and let me know what you think if you decide to watch this movie:

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