Warning: I hope you have some time off work, as you will not be able to put this book down. Even when you aren't a kid anymore.
THE HOBBIT is beautiful story written by no one other, than the author of the famous and mostly adored trilogy - THE LORD OF THE RINGS, J. R. R. Tolkien.
Confession time. Yes, I must be one of the few adults and readers I know, who have just only read THE HOBBIT. But my explanation for this is simple. As a 15-year-old girl I have decided to tackle THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy and although I loved the story, I wasn't fond of the many long descriptions in the books. It's just so many pages you can describe the forest on. Sadly, this experience has put me off Tolkien's stories for couple of years. But this Christmas I have finally decided to man up and give The Hobbit a go. I have loved all the films, and now I am older, it's time to read this story loved by the whole world.
We all know, probably more you than me, what is story about. The ones, who haven't read the book, can google it, or watch the film adaptations. The ones, who read this incredible story, know the deal. But I am going to quickly re-type the blur from the back, to give you the recap or quick feel of the story:
Bilbo Baggins enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely travelling further than the pantry of his hobbit-hole in Bag End. But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard, Gandalf, and a company of thirteen dwarves arrive on his doorstep to whisk him away on a journey to raid the treasure hoard of Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon. Bilbo's quiet life turns to exciting adventure and he lives through the most unexpected things he wouldn't dream of before.
This is a classic story. Many of you consider it one of the most influential book in our generation. I know many people who after reading this masterpiece, became avid readers. I, myself, couldn't agree more. And I am happy to say, that I am very glad that I have finally read The Hobbit!
Let's talk about the look first. I have bought a kiddy edition which is illustrated by Jemina Catlin. Hardback. 375 pages long. It's quite a big and heavy book, but one of the most beautiful hardbacks I own. Cloth bound with illustrations on the front and back. Magnificent.
The story.. well what can I say. I loved it. Every single page. Every single chapter. What a wonderful adventure packed with twists and turns. No unnecessary descriptions. I love it. Very suitable for children. Especially if there is a hole in their hearts after reading Harry Potter series. I can understand why so many people became readers after reading this book. It's wonderful. Thrilling. Exciting.
The writing is easy to follow and understand. Not once I had to reach for dictionary or google strange words. I have fully understood it. No winding writing, actually it's pretty queer and keeps you interesting all the way through the story. There isn't one chapter I thought boring. I adored it all. It baffles my mind how much thought Tolkien put into writing this book. All the details, the history, the language. It's mind-blowing. And a pleasure to read. And kind makes me want to give The Lord of The Rings another go.
The characters is this book are a colourful scheme of good and bad. But they are so alive and have traits of many human characteristics we can easily relate to. Bilbo Baggins' character is well develop and keeps on giving.
Of course, seeing all 3 films first, I couldn't help but compare, but this time I can truly say that I loved the spins they put in the films. I loved the book itself, but the film adaptations are wonderful too. I admire Peter Jackson for created this wonderful world for big screens! All I want to do now, is visit the Hobbit Holes in New Zealand.
All in all. I am extremely happy I gave Mr Tolkien another go. I have truly enjoy this marvellous adventure of little hobbit with 13 dwarves and wizard who always has a secret. What a wonderful read I will make sure to share with generations to come. Spectacular reading time well spent.
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Twelve Winter Romances : MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME
Warning: You will fall under the spell of this wonderful collection of stories. Be aware! Romance is not dead. It's all around.
MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME is a collection of 12 wintery stories written by 12 authors of YA genre. And as it's name suggests, it's a perfect wintery / christmassy read which will keep you warm and fussy over the festive period. Not to mention, that it's a brilliant present idea for every avid reader.
As the back of the book says: "Long, cold night are for falling in love."
And Fall in love you will with this beautiful, magical collection of stories...
Let's talk about the edition first. I am deeply in love with the UK edition I own. It's beautiful. There are no other words to describe it. Light blue cover, with bright electric pink decorations and dyed pages. Gold and white writing. 355 pages divided into 12 stories. Spectacular.
The stories themselves... Well there are some I only liked. I read them. I thought them sweet, but wouldn't read them again straight away. Maybe missed them out the next time. Those were : Lady and The Fox; Angels in The Snow; Polaris is Where You Find Me; Your Temporary Santa, Krampuslauf.. Even Gayle Forman's What The Hell Have You Done, Sophie Roth made the list. But of course there were stories, I absolutely adored and I cannot wait to read them again next Christmas: Midnights; It's Yuletide Miracle, Charlie Brown; Start of Bethlehem & The Gril Who Woke The Dreamer.. But my absolute favourite was WELCOME TO CHRISTMAS, CA by Kiersten White. That story left a permanent mark on me and therefore became my favourite christmas story. It was beautiful. It made me cry. Absolute perfection.
All of the stories were easy to read and follow. They were written in the modern style writing I love these authors for. The stories made you cry at times, but others had you in stitches from laughing. They were funny, entertaining and damn good reading for the festive period. At times when reading first couple of pages I thought I won't like the particular story and it's a waste of time, but somehow all of them managed to get under my skin at the end and I ended up liking them a lot.
This book is the perfect book from christmas period. Make yourself a cup of tea or hot chocolate, settle yourself in front of fireplace, on the couch or in bed. Make yourself comfortable and get reading. You won't regret the decision. It's the perfect christmassy read. Especially if you love happy endings. I am a sucker for them, so logically I was ecstatic with every single story's ending. It was magical, beautiful time I truly enjoyed.
I thought that Let it Snow might become my favourite christmas story, but this collection just took it out of running completely. My True Love Gave to Me is my number one choice of festive reading and I cannot wait to share it with others. I am definitely purchasing few more and giving them to my reading friends as a present. Why not? It's the perfect choice.
Thank you so much to all the authors who contributed to this collection. You all have done a great job and I am so happy to have the opportunity to get lost in these short stories and enjoy a little bit of romance.
Hope you all head a good Christmas!! xoxo
MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME is a collection of 12 wintery stories written by 12 authors of YA genre. And as it's name suggests, it's a perfect wintery / christmassy read which will keep you warm and fussy over the festive period. Not to mention, that it's a brilliant present idea for every avid reader.
MIDNIGHTS by Rainbow Rowell
ANGELS IN THE SNOW by Matt de la Pena
KRAMPUSLAUF by Holly Black
As the back of the book says: "Long, cold night are for falling in love."
And Fall in love you will with this beautiful, magical collection of stories...
Let's talk about the edition first. I am deeply in love with the UK edition I own. It's beautiful. There are no other words to describe it. Light blue cover, with bright electric pink decorations and dyed pages. Gold and white writing. 355 pages divided into 12 stories. Spectacular.

All of the stories were easy to read and follow. They were written in the modern style writing I love these authors for. The stories made you cry at times, but others had you in stitches from laughing. They were funny, entertaining and damn good reading for the festive period. At times when reading first couple of pages I thought I won't like the particular story and it's a waste of time, but somehow all of them managed to get under my skin at the end and I ended up liking them a lot.

I thought that Let it Snow might become my favourite christmas story, but this collection just took it out of running completely. My True Love Gave to Me is my number one choice of festive reading and I cannot wait to share it with others. I am definitely purchasing few more and giving them to my reading friends as a present. Why not? It's the perfect choice.
Thank you so much to all the authors who contributed to this collection. You all have done a great job and I am so happy to have the opportunity to get lost in these short stories and enjoy a little bit of romance.
Hope you all head a good Christmas!! xoxo
Monday, 29 December 2014
CARPE LIBRUM TBR PILE CHALLENGE 2015 !! Are you up for it?
2015 is nearly around the corner. Only couple more days and we are out with the old and happy to see the new. New is good. New is exciting. New is surprising. I must say, I've been a little bit of a slacker in reading this year. My TBR challenge on Goodreads went from 75 books down to 50 and only managed to read 47 books. Needless to say, I am disappointed with myself, especially when my book shelves store 144 books I have not read yet!!!
And this is when my lovely american friend Sara from Carpe Librum Girl stepped in and decided to organise her own reading challenge for 2015 : CARPE LIBRUM TBR PILE CHALLENGE 2015. You don't need to be a blogger to enter it. Do you have an Instagram, Facebook, Twitter account? Do you love books and have a pile at home you haven't read yet? Guess what, she has a solution for you. Sign up for reading challenge. Here is the link for her post and all the rules are properly explained: http://carpelibrumgirl.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/carpe-librum-tbr-pile-challenge-2015.html . What are you waiting for? Sign up and finally read the beautiful stories which are awaiting for you on your book shelves.
1. The challenge will run from January 1st, 2015 - December 31st, 2015. The sign up link will remain open until January 10, 2015 at 11:30AM PST.
2. ANYONE CAN ENTER! You don't have to be a blogger, just as long as you review the book you've read. You can review your book on your blog, Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Goodreads, Instagram etc.
3. Any genre, length, or format of a book counts as long as it is a book that's been sitting on your self for some time. Short stories and novellas do count! The only stipulations that the book must have been released in 2014 or earlier. NO 2015 ARCs or 2015 FRESH-OFF-THE-PRESS RELEASE ALLOWED!!
4. On the 30th of every other month, Sara will post a wrap-up for the previous two months and it will contain new links for you to add your own wrap-up posts.
5. THERE WIL BE 2 GIVEAWAYS! IN JULY & DECEMBER. Give-away details will be explained once the giveaway post goes live on Sara's blog. Bless her, she doesn't want to overwhelm us with too many details ;-)
6. You don't have to follow her or me or others to join the challenge, but you do have to follow Sara (@carpelibrumgirl) on Instagram/Twitter account or her blog to join the giveaways.
31-40 : I GOT THIS!
1. Write a post about joining the 2015 TBR PILE CHALLENGE on your blog. If you don't have a blog, post about it on Facebook or tweet about it via Twitter or repost her IG POST on your IG page!
2. In your post, don't forget to include: the button/banner, link back to her Sign up page, the level you're aiming at and - if you want - a list of books you're hoping to read for the challenge.
3. Place the challenge button on your sidebar ( please use the grab link on the bottom of Sara's original post).
4. Link up in the linky on Sara's post using the link to your post / tweet.
5. That's it. You are done!! WELCOME TO CAPRE LIBRUM GIRL's TBR PILE CHALLENGE 2015!! GOOD LUCK tackling your pile!!
Read the rule and how to join? Great!! Let's give it all a try!!
Firstly, let me tell you what level I am aiming for. As I said I have been a little bit lazy this year, but I have made the executive decision to make 2015 my year, so I am aiming for 60+ books that means I WILL BE MARRIED TO MY TBR PILE!! Yes, I want to read quite a big chunk of my to-be-read books list of my Goodreads list and finally say that I have read a lot of my books I bought in last couple of years!! You all know I have a shopping addiction. I just cannot stop buying books, so I have decided not to buy any books between January 1st, 2015 and March 31st 2015. It will be a struggle, but I banned myself from Amazon website and Leeds branch of Waterstones. It will be hard, but I need to take a break, otherwise my bank account will start to hate me.
Secondly, here is the link to my Goodreads account so you can see my TBR pile: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/17449341?shelf=to-read . Feel free to become my friend too ;-)
So what are you all waiting for? To your MacBooks, iMacs, Laptops, iPads, iPhone, Mobiles, PCs....go go go !! And sign up so we all can make room for more books.
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Maureen Johnson, John Green & Lauren Myracle : LET IT SNOW
Warning! Get a cup of hot chocolate, make yourself comfortable and be ready to be attacked by christmas cheer ;-)
LET IT SNOW is a collection of 3 very christmassy holiday romances written by 3 authors and legends of YA contemporary genre - Maureen Johnson, John Green & Lauren Myracle. And in my humble opinion, it's not only a great Christmas gift, but a perfect Winter read.
When picking books for my December Reading Challenge I have come across this book in my local supermarket. I have heard of it before, but never truly wanted to read it. But then it came to Christmas and was taken over by the christmas cheer. So I decided to let myself get lost in this book. And what a wonderful choice I have made.
As mentioned, there are 3 different romances in this book but they all tie up together at the end:
These stories are told from points of different characters with different stories. They are dealing with different issues, but haveone thing in common. Actually, scratch that. They have two things in common: A Stuck Train & Love Dilemmas.
I am going to borrow the blur on the back to describe the general feel of the book:
Well.. Let's start with the easy part.. The edition. Mine is the UK paperback edition published in 2013. A beautiful metal blue cover, which shimmers in the light, is complimented with three large white snowflakes. Modern. Eye-catching. And so, so wintery :-) The blur on the back is actually a perfect description for the story hiding inside. 354 pages long.
The writing.. Modern. Very relate able. Easy to read and follow. Entertaining. Funny. So so funny. I found myself in stitches. Because there are no unnecessary over-used descriptions. Straight to the story with the modern style. Write how you think. And that's why I have enjoyed it so much. I think it's a perfect example of what these three authors are capable of and what kind of stories you can expect from the trio. So if you have never heard of them before, get this book and you get a taste of their writing styles.
The stories themselves... Well my favourite one was the first one. The Jubilee Express. This story actually sets a course for the rest of them, and it's a perfect introduction. I wasn't very impressed with A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle as I found it long and winding at times, but I love the dynamic between the three main characters in the story. What a wonderful friendship they share. Confession time! I love teacup pigs.. so when I read The Patron Saint of Pigs, I put down the book and spent 30 mins goggling various pictures of teacup pigs while pondering why Addie just cannot see how self-absorbed she is. Seriously.. That girl talks only about her problems. It's annoying, but there is a christmas miracle happening and hopefully she changes her attitude.
I have read this book for the course of the last 3 nights. One story each night so I can form an honest opinion and see the different writing styles. And I must say, as cheesy as these stories are, they are a wonderful Christmas read. Because that is what Christmas is about... Spreading love, joy and cheer all around. It also helped that they all had a happy ending and we all love a good happy ending. Even the grumpiest of us. I think ( but I haven't read MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME yet..) this collection of stories has just become my favourite Christmas Read. It's a book you will be picking every Christmas period years to come.
LET IT SNOW is a collection of 3 very christmassy holiday romances written by 3 authors and legends of YA contemporary genre - Maureen Johnson, John Green & Lauren Myracle. And in my humble opinion, it's not only a great Christmas gift, but a perfect Winter read.
When picking books for my December Reading Challenge I have come across this book in my local supermarket. I have heard of it before, but never truly wanted to read it. But then it came to Christmas and was taken over by the christmas cheer. So I decided to let myself get lost in this book. And what a wonderful choice I have made.
As mentioned, there are 3 different romances in this book but they all tie up together at the end:
These stories are told from points of different characters with different stories. They are dealing with different issues, but have
I am going to borrow the blur on the back to describe the general feel of the book:
It's Christmas Eve and Gracetown has been buried by snow. But the weather is more than just an inconvenience. When one girl unexpectedly steps off a stranded train, she sets off a series of life-changing events. Soon fourteen pumped-up cheerleaders will descend on the local Waffle House, the Duke's DVD night will be rudely interrupted for a Twister mission, and a lovesick barista in local Starbucks will determinate the fate of a single teacup pig...

The writing.. Modern. Very relate able. Easy to read and follow. Entertaining. Funny. So so funny. I found myself in stitches. Because there are no unnecessary over-used descriptions. Straight to the story with the modern style. Write how you think. And that's why I have enjoyed it so much. I think it's a perfect example of what these three authors are capable of and what kind of stories you can expect from the trio. So if you have never heard of them before, get this book and you get a taste of their writing styles.
The stories themselves... Well my favourite one was the first one. The Jubilee Express. This story actually sets a course for the rest of them, and it's a perfect introduction. I wasn't very impressed with A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle as I found it long and winding at times, but I love the dynamic between the three main characters in the story. What a wonderful friendship they share. Confession time! I love teacup pigs.. so when I read The Patron Saint of Pigs, I put down the book and spent 30 mins goggling various pictures of teacup pigs while pondering why Addie just cannot see how self-absorbed she is. Seriously.. That girl talks only about her problems. It's annoying, but there is a christmas miracle happening and hopefully she changes her attitude.
I have read this book for the course of the last 3 nights. One story each night so I can form an honest opinion and see the different writing styles. And I must say, as cheesy as these stories are, they are a wonderful Christmas read. Because that is what Christmas is about... Spreading love, joy and cheer all around. It also helped that they all had a happy ending and we all love a good happy ending. Even the grumpiest of us. I think ( but I haven't read MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME yet..) this collection of stories has just become my favourite Christmas Read. It's a book you will be picking every Christmas period years to come.
Lovely. Funny. Cheertastic.
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This Teacup Pig is too cute to not share the image with you :-) |
Monday, 15 December 2014
Warning! This book was a major surprise for me and it's a must read for the fans of YA genre.
THE SELECTION is a debut novel written by Kiera Cass. Actually, there are three books in total in this series and The Selection is the first one. Oh my, and what an introduction to the series it is!!
Right, I have to be honest with you my lovely readers. At the start I wasn't that impressed when I purchased this book. The blur on the back made it sounds like a Billionaire Bachelor has been put down on a paper, instead of poisoning our TV screens. But soon enough, actually 3 pages into this book, I found myself intrigued by it. About 50% into it, I was totally invested into the story and routing for the characters, 3/4 in it and I was hopelessly in love with Prince Maxon. Last 30 pages I was cursing the author. And after reading the last chapter, I was begging for more so much...
THE SELECTION takes us to the time after 4th World War when what used to be Canada and USA joined forces and created the kingdom Illea and the society was divided into 8 different casts with the royal family being number One. The loveable Prince Maxon is coming to an age where he needs to start looking for a wife - the future queen. As a tradition says, there is a organised search for the one. All the girls in Illea, who are the right age, can apply to become one of 35 lucky girls who will be flown off to the palace to compete for Prince's heart and affections. And this is where we meet America Singer. She a happy Five in love with Aspen who is a Six. They plan to get married, but nothing is a easy as it used to be before everything has changed. They cannot get married and live happily ever after. And soon enough the pressure start to cause cracks in their relationship. Aspen asks America to apply for The Selection and then he breaks up with her and completely stumps on her heart. Sad America is chosen to become one of the 35 girlies and leaves for the palace to compete in The Selection and finds out that there is more to Maxon then she originally thought. Them two become fast friends and America's heart finally starts to believe that she might be destined for more.. But will she become the queen and the One for Prince Maxon?
Let's talk about the book edition first. I absolutely love the photograph on the cover. Beautiful girl in beautiful dress. A girl who is clearly competing in The Selection. America Singer. 327 pages divided into 25 chapters. And I cannot forget to mention the funny dedication the author wrote: "Hi, Dad! *waves*" And then of course, even funnier acknowledgement, which says: "Okay, just in case you're really busy or tired because you stayed up late finishing, I want to thank you first for reading my book. For reals, I love you. Thanks." I just love how easy going Kiera Cass is.
Let's talk about the writing. Very modern. Easy to follow. Very well paced. Funny. Entertaining. Smart. And very addict able. It makes you invested in the story and doesn't let you to put the book down.
The story itself.. well... I must say I have been a little bit skeptical when picking up this book. As mentioned I was expecting some twisted version of Billionaire Bachelor show turned into a YA novel. But soon enough, from the first chapter, the book managed to surprise me. And the little surprises kept on coming. Firstly, I didn't expect it to take place in a world after the 4th World War where USA & Canada were turned into a kingdom and the society was divided into casts. Secondly, I didn't expect to actually really enjoy reading the book. BUT I DID. I found myself falling for the story more and more. I am finding myself getting lost in this weird twist of reality show / fairytale. I want to keep on reading so much, that I ordered the rest of the books in series immediately. Thirdly. America, seriously... How can you not see how charming Maxon is. Forget Aspen, he broke your heart. Let's get lost in the fact that The Prince - who is so wonderful, good and absolutely adorable - is trying to woo you. Even if I think that there is more to the reasoning behind Aspen's break up with America. So how could I not fall for this story? It has all the elements of good YA novel - love triangle, bitch-stabbing, competing for love.. and trying to love all over again.. what a great recipe.
And now it's time to analyse the characters. America Singer is such a wonderful female character. She reminds a lot of Cinderella. She is beautiful, smart, kind and very talented in the music department. She is strong and isn't scared to speak her own mind. She is a great role model. And she is very fair to Aspen and Maxon too. Aspen.. Well, he seems so nice at the start. Him and America were so in love, until his self-pitty did get in the way. And then he came back and apologised and thought everything will be were they left off.. No, I do not trust you Aspen. There is something which doesn't make me fall head over heels for you. Call in female intuition, but you aren't out of the bad books yet. Maxon.. oh charming Maxon. How can you not fall in love with him? Seriously? A Powerful leader who loves his family and people. Kind. Generous. Gorgeous. Adored by his people. He is even willing to put his feeling for America on the side until she makes up her mind. He is willing to let her go to be happy. Even if it's with someone else. He is truly a prince charming.
You see just how much I fell for this story? I cannot fault anything. I am way too invested .. How did this happen?
Now I have to talk about the twist of bringing Aspen back into America's life.. I see what you are doing there Kiera Cass. A Love triangle is the oldest trick in the book. I hated when America fell for his charm and nonsense again, but I do appreciate your efforts when she didn't choose him or Maxon.. She chose herself. I am liking it.
All in all. I fell in love with this story deeply. I didn't expect the effect it had on me and how much I actually liked it. But it did happen and now I cannot wait to finish off the series with THE ELITE & THE ONE. I now that there is a collection of short stories too, named The Prince, The Guard, The Favourite & The Queen. I am also aware that there is a fourth book coming out next year THE HEIR. Once my self-imposed ban of not buying any books is over, I will make sure to purchase them as well.
THE SELECTION is a debut novel written by Kiera Cass. Actually, there are three books in total in this series and The Selection is the first one. Oh my, and what an introduction to the series it is!!
Right, I have to be honest with you my lovely readers. At the start I wasn't that impressed when I purchased this book. The blur on the back made it sounds like a Billionaire Bachelor has been put down on a paper, instead of poisoning our TV screens. But soon enough, actually 3 pages into this book, I found myself intrigued by it. About 50% into it, I was totally invested into the story and routing for the characters, 3/4 in it and I was hopelessly in love with Prince Maxon. Last 30 pages I was cursing the author. And after reading the last chapter, I was begging for more so much...
THE SELECTION takes us to the time after 4th World War when what used to be Canada and USA joined forces and created the kingdom Illea and the society was divided into 8 different casts with the royal family being number One. The loveable Prince Maxon is coming to an age where he needs to start looking for a wife - the future queen. As a tradition says, there is a organised search for the one. All the girls in Illea, who are the right age, can apply to become one of 35 lucky girls who will be flown off to the palace to compete for Prince's heart and affections. And this is where we meet America Singer. She a happy Five in love with Aspen who is a Six. They plan to get married, but nothing is a easy as it used to be before everything has changed. They cannot get married and live happily ever after. And soon enough the pressure start to cause cracks in their relationship. Aspen asks America to apply for The Selection and then he breaks up with her and completely stumps on her heart. Sad America is chosen to become one of the 35 girlies and leaves for the palace to compete in The Selection and finds out that there is more to Maxon then she originally thought. Them two become fast friends and America's heart finally starts to believe that she might be destined for more.. But will she become the queen and the One for Prince Maxon?
Let's talk about the book edition first. I absolutely love the photograph on the cover. Beautiful girl in beautiful dress. A girl who is clearly competing in The Selection. America Singer. 327 pages divided into 25 chapters. And I cannot forget to mention the funny dedication the author wrote: "Hi, Dad! *waves*" And then of course, even funnier acknowledgement, which says: "Okay, just in case you're really busy or tired because you stayed up late finishing, I want to thank you first for reading my book. For reals, I love you. Thanks." I just love how easy going Kiera Cass is.
Let's talk about the writing. Very modern. Easy to follow. Very well paced. Funny. Entertaining. Smart. And very addict able. It makes you invested in the story and doesn't let you to put the book down.
The story itself.. well... I must say I have been a little bit skeptical when picking up this book. As mentioned I was expecting some twisted version of Billionaire Bachelor show turned into a YA novel. But soon enough, from the first chapter, the book managed to surprise me. And the little surprises kept on coming. Firstly, I didn't expect it to take place in a world after the 4th World War where USA & Canada were turned into a kingdom and the society was divided into casts. Secondly, I didn't expect to actually really enjoy reading the book. BUT I DID. I found myself falling for the story more and more. I am finding myself getting lost in this weird twist of reality show / fairytale. I want to keep on reading so much, that I ordered the rest of the books in series immediately. Thirdly. America, seriously... How can you not see how charming Maxon is. Forget Aspen, he broke your heart. Let's get lost in the fact that The Prince - who is so wonderful, good and absolutely adorable - is trying to woo you. Even if I think that there is more to the reasoning behind Aspen's break up with America. So how could I not fall for this story? It has all the elements of good YA novel - love triangle, bitch-stabbing, competing for love.. and trying to love all over again.. what a great recipe.

You see just how much I fell for this story? I cannot fault anything. I am way too invested .. How did this happen?
Now I have to talk about the twist of bringing Aspen back into America's life.. I see what you are doing there Kiera Cass. A Love triangle is the oldest trick in the book. I hated when America fell for his charm and nonsense again, but I do appreciate your efforts when she didn't choose him or Maxon.. She chose herself. I am liking it.
All in all. I fell in love with this story deeply. I didn't expect the effect it had on me and how much I actually liked it. But it did happen and now I cannot wait to finish off the series with THE ELITE & THE ONE. I now that there is a collection of short stories too, named The Prince, The Guard, The Favourite & The Queen. I am also aware that there is a fourth book coming out next year THE HEIR. Once my self-imposed ban of not buying any books is over, I will make sure to purchase them as well.
Well done Kiera Cass!! I have truly fell under your spell.
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Warning: Secrets always find their way to be revealed.
THE BOOK OF TOMORROW is the first book from my Cecelia Ahern's collection. Ms Ahern is famous for writing novels like P.S. I LOVE YOU and WHERE RAINBOWS END which not only become international bestsellers, but also they have been made into Hollywood's blockbusters.
This is the first time I am having a reading date with this author. Don't get me wrong, I have had plenty of opportunities to read the books, I own 4 books by this author and I also saw P.S. I love you and I have fallen under the spell of Love, Rosie recently. But somehow, the writings of this author never seem to appeal to me enough to read it. Until Love, Rosie came out this year. Lily Collins and Sam Claflin made me realise that I should give this writer a chance.
The Book Of Tomorrow tells a story of Tamara Goodwin. Tamara is the classic example of spoilt brat who had everything she wished for in her life. Her family is rich, like filthy rich and she is the rebellious daughter who always argues with her parents. But then one day everything changes. Her dad kills himself. All their belongings, house, cars, villas abroad are repossessed. And her and her mum are forced to move to her auntie and uncle's house in the middle of nowhere land. Here Tamara firstly struggles to keep herself occupied with nothing to do. Her mum falls into deep depression sleeping all day. Her uncle is always working and her auntie Rosaleen is always pondering around the house. Always following Tamara everywhere. Then a little excitement arrives into the town in the form of a travelling library which presents Tamara with a secret locked diary. And Tamara's life dramatically changes. She becomes a detective of her own life, trying to solve mysteries surrounding her family and the place she now calls home.
Let's talk about the book edition first. Black. Dark with a pretty illustration on the front. Keys probably which symbolise all the secrets Tamara needs to uncover. Blur on the back doesn't get much away. Although after reading the book, it doesn't fully grasps the story or the main headline of the story itself. Paperback. 420 pages divided into 26 chapters.
The writing is easy to read and follow. Very modern. Very relate able. But it's packed with unnecessary descriptions. It took me a while to get into this book due to the fact that there is more of a surrounding description, than story itself. But I managed to bite this through and at the end it worked out quite well. The story is charming. Mesmerising at times. It's packed with secrets and shady behaving. You will create your own theories about what is this story about, but at the end it manages to surprise you with major twist I didn't see coming.
Ms Ahern manages to capture the feelings and thoughts of 17-year old girl who thinks the whole world is against her, quite well. At times I have laughed out loud and certain parts did made me a little sad, but I wasn't overly invested in this book. From the author of P.S. I love you and Where Rainbows End, I was expecting a little bit more. The story and pace of it was a little mild for me. It wasn't as exciting, thrilling and joyful as I hoped for. More of a like a substitute.. It's like when you really really really fancy a banoffee pie, but all you have in the fridge is a yogurt. It's like you are on a diet. The food is nice and healthy, but not satisfying enough.
Tamara is a typical teenage girl with her mood swings and feelings that everything and everyone is out there to get her. But after going through a drastic life-style changing event and losing someone very close to her, she starts to peel off her hard and dried layers, and becomes more of a softie. She thinks more about the consequences of her actions. And she fights and finally starts to take charge of her future and her life. Rosaleen is the most secretive and strangest character I have got a pleasure to meet in a while. And she is just a crazy bitch who just doesn't have everything in order in her mind. Arthur is a lovely uncle who wants to help but is bit too whipped to do so. And Tamara's mum Jennifer.. well at start I was a little bit pissed off with her as she just dropped her life and a depression became her full time job. She closed herself of to the world, without thinking about Tamara - her only child. But soon enough we find out that not everything is what is seems. My favourite character in this book must be Sister Ignatius. She is just a bright shining ray of sunshine in this book. She is a lively, loveable and wonderful soul. But when needed she takes charge and tries to go out of her way to help you in your troubles. A Beautiful old lady who can quickly become your best friend.
All in all, I must say that I have been a little bit disappointed at the start. The many descriptions, and I do recall a 5 sentence description of Arthur's trip to the little boy room, kind of put me off the story, but soon enough the author decided to actually start to write the story itself instead of setting up the scene. It picked up and I have enjoyed the many secrets which finally came to light and made everything much more bare able. I can say that I won't be picking up the book for quite some time, but I have not given up on Cecelia Ahern's writing just yet.
Solid 3 out 5 stars.
THE BOOK OF TOMORROW is the first book from my Cecelia Ahern's collection. Ms Ahern is famous for writing novels like P.S. I LOVE YOU and WHERE RAINBOWS END which not only become international bestsellers, but also they have been made into Hollywood's blockbusters.
This is the first time I am having a reading date with this author. Don't get me wrong, I have had plenty of opportunities to read the books, I own 4 books by this author and I also saw P.S. I love you and I have fallen under the spell of Love, Rosie recently. But somehow, the writings of this author never seem to appeal to me enough to read it. Until Love, Rosie came out this year. Lily Collins and Sam Claflin made me realise that I should give this writer a chance.
The Book Of Tomorrow tells a story of Tamara Goodwin. Tamara is the classic example of spoilt brat who had everything she wished for in her life. Her family is rich, like filthy rich and she is the rebellious daughter who always argues with her parents. But then one day everything changes. Her dad kills himself. All their belongings, house, cars, villas abroad are repossessed. And her and her mum are forced to move to her auntie and uncle's house in the middle of nowhere land. Here Tamara firstly struggles to keep herself occupied with nothing to do. Her mum falls into deep depression sleeping all day. Her uncle is always working and her auntie Rosaleen is always pondering around the house. Always following Tamara everywhere. Then a little excitement arrives into the town in the form of a travelling library which presents Tamara with a secret locked diary. And Tamara's life dramatically changes. She becomes a detective of her own life, trying to solve mysteries surrounding her family and the place she now calls home.
Let's talk about the book edition first. Black. Dark with a pretty illustration on the front. Keys probably which symbolise all the secrets Tamara needs to uncover. Blur on the back doesn't get much away. Although after reading the book, it doesn't fully grasps the story or the main headline of the story itself. Paperback. 420 pages divided into 26 chapters.
The writing is easy to read and follow. Very modern. Very relate able. But it's packed with unnecessary descriptions. It took me a while to get into this book due to the fact that there is more of a surrounding description, than story itself. But I managed to bite this through and at the end it worked out quite well. The story is charming. Mesmerising at times. It's packed with secrets and shady behaving. You will create your own theories about what is this story about, but at the end it manages to surprise you with major twist I didn't see coming.
Ms Ahern manages to capture the feelings and thoughts of 17-year old girl who thinks the whole world is against her, quite well. At times I have laughed out loud and certain parts did made me a little sad, but I wasn't overly invested in this book. From the author of P.S. I love you and Where Rainbows End, I was expecting a little bit more. The story and pace of it was a little mild for me. It wasn't as exciting, thrilling and joyful as I hoped for. More of a like a substitute.. It's like when you really really really fancy a banoffee pie, but all you have in the fridge is a yogurt. It's like you are on a diet. The food is nice and healthy, but not satisfying enough.

All in all, I must say that I have been a little bit disappointed at the start. The many descriptions, and I do recall a 5 sentence description of Arthur's trip to the little boy room, kind of put me off the story, but soon enough the author decided to actually start to write the story itself instead of setting up the scene. It picked up and I have enjoyed the many secrets which finally came to light and made everything much more bare able. I can say that I won't be picking up the book for quite some time, but I have not given up on Cecelia Ahern's writing just yet.
Solid 3 out 5 stars.
Friday, 5 December 2014
Tahereh Mafi : SHATTER ME
Warning: Is there a whole in your heart after the X-men series, which needs to be full filled ? Pick up the SHATTER ME book series and you will never regret it.
SHATTER ME is a debut novel written by the lovely Tahereh Mafi. There are three books in the original series, plus two short stories.
I have been meaning to read this novel for quite some time. To be honest, it's been sitting on my book shelf for past couple of months, but I have been so busy reading other stories, that it had to be patiently waiting there to be picked up and read. So finally, I have decided to include it in Autumn Reading Challenge. The time has come to find out if the rumours are true and this is one of the best YA book series you ever read.
The lovely Sara from Carpe Librum Girl ( http://carpelibrumgirl.blogspot.co.uk ) told me that this is her favourite book series. And I, as true adventurer in the stories of the literarworld, have decided that it's time to find out for myself what is hidden behind the beautiful book covers.
SHATTER ME tells a story of JULIETTE. We find Juliette being imprisoned for past 2 years in some hidey hole no one knows about. Juliette actually hasn't spoken to another person for over a year. You see, Juliette has been taken away from her family due to an unfortunate accident. She has a gift. Well she thinks it's a curse. Everyone who touches her can die. Her skin can kill. So she has been poked and experimented on and now lives in this prison. Her only company are numbers. She counts everything. That is until she gets a new roommate. ADAM. But the thing is Adam isn't just anybody. She knows him. She actually had a crush on him for years and years. And with the arrival of Adam, changes are in tale. And Juliette is thrown in to a life changing adventure.
Firstly, let's talk about the edition. Because oh my, I love love love this book edition. Paperback. 338 pages divided into 50 chapters. Gorgeous. Mesmerising drawing on the cover. Actually all the books in this series have a wonderful cover. The eye can see into your soul. The blur on the back makes you want to buy the book immediately. It's intriguing. The edition actually sold me the book in the first place.
The writing. Intriguing. Thrilling. Exciting. Surprising and down to the point. We follow everything from Juliette's perspective. And what is the most wonderful about Mafi's writing is that she writes it in the style of someone's thinking. I love the crossed away thoughts and sentences. I love the repeating. It's refreshing to read something so modern and truthful.
The story itself is an exciting ride. One chapter is packed with sexual tension between Adam and Juliette. Another chapter we are on the run. It's packed with enormous amounts of twists and turns and just keeps on giving. It keeps you on your toes with it's constant change of pace. I love this. I love this story. It has all the elements I like: adventure, love, superpowers, world in shatters and all the massive amounts of strength and will to survive. The sexual tension between Adam and Juliette is brilliantly described. These two just cannot catch a break.
All the characters in this book are so likeable. Even the villains. Juliette has been living in belief that she is cursed all her life. She is scared that she hurst someone by accident as it has happened before. But at the same time she is strong and fierce. And she is getting to be more independent. Adam reminds me a lot of Tobias from Divergent. A Strong male character who has a heart in the right place and cares for his family and friends. But he can be rational and strong when needed. Warren is the most interest character of them all. He is literally obsessed with Juliette and does anything in his power to keep her with him. It's so interesting to watch how these characters will develop in the future.
As we found out, not everything is as what it seems. Secrets are revealed. And you just cannot wait to find out what will happen next. I know I can't.
Luckily we have, 2 novels and 2 short stories to indulge our souls with: UNRAVEL ME, IGNITE ME & UNITE ME ( DESTROY ME and FRACTURE ME).
Thank you Tahereh for writing such a wonderful series !
SHATTER ME is a debut novel written by the lovely Tahereh Mafi. There are three books in the original series, plus two short stories.
I have been meaning to read this novel for quite some time. To be honest, it's been sitting on my book shelf for past couple of months, but I have been so busy reading other stories, that it had to be patiently waiting there to be picked up and read. So finally, I have decided to include it in Autumn Reading Challenge. The time has come to find out if the rumours are true and this is one of the best YA book series you ever read.
The lovely Sara from Carpe Librum Girl ( http://carpelibrumgirl.blogspot.co.uk ) told me that this is her favourite book series. And I, as true adventurer in the stories of the literarworld, have decided that it's time to find out for myself what is hidden behind the beautiful book covers.
Firstly, let's talk about the edition. Because oh my, I love love love this book edition. Paperback. 338 pages divided into 50 chapters. Gorgeous. Mesmerising drawing on the cover. Actually all the books in this series have a wonderful cover. The eye can see into your soul. The blur on the back makes you want to buy the book immediately. It's intriguing. The edition actually sold me the book in the first place.
The writing. Intriguing. Thrilling. Exciting. Surprising and down to the point. We follow everything from Juliette's perspective. And what is the most wonderful about Mafi's writing is that she writes it in the style of someone's thinking. I love the crossed away thoughts and sentences. I love the repeating. It's refreshing to read something so modern and truthful.
The story itself is an exciting ride. One chapter is packed with sexual tension between Adam and Juliette. Another chapter we are on the run. It's packed with enormous amounts of twists and turns and just keeps on giving. It keeps you on your toes with it's constant change of pace. I love this. I love this story. It has all the elements I like: adventure, love, superpowers, world in shatters and all the massive amounts of strength and will to survive. The sexual tension between Adam and Juliette is brilliantly described. These two just cannot catch a break.
All the characters in this book are so likeable. Even the villains. Juliette has been living in belief that she is cursed all her life. She is scared that she hurst someone by accident as it has happened before. But at the same time she is strong and fierce. And she is getting to be more independent. Adam reminds me a lot of Tobias from Divergent. A Strong male character who has a heart in the right place and cares for his family and friends. But he can be rational and strong when needed. Warren is the most interest character of them all. He is literally obsessed with Juliette and does anything in his power to keep her with him. It's so interesting to watch how these characters will develop in the future.
As we found out, not everything is as what it seems. Secrets are revealed. And you just cannot wait to find out what will happen next. I know I can't.
Luckily we have, 2 novels and 2 short stories to indulge our souls with: UNRAVEL ME, IGNITE ME & UNITE ME ( DESTROY ME and FRACTURE ME).
Thank you Tahereh for writing such a wonderful series !
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
The last month of the year just crossed our doors. HELLO DECEMBER! The weather outside is a little bit more frightful and we are taking refugee in our warm homes sitting my the fire with hot chocolate (or other suitable hot drink) in one hand and a book in the other.
Why not? I know, we are all stressing out about Christmas. Probably most of us are arranging all the presents, visits and shopping trips. Our homes are starting to look like an advert for the Christmas decorations, but we have smile on our faces. Everyone loves Christmas. Although I am not a child anymore, I still do love getting presents. Even more though, I enjoy giving out presents to my friends. Just ask the lovely Sara from Carpe Librum Girl who has recently received a package from me. You can check out the contest of it on her blog post : http://carpelibrumgirl.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/my-uk-package.html .
But the reason why I love December is the amount of time spent indoors with book in my hands. December is the perfect month to get lost in various stories. So, as we are slowly wrapping up the year 2014, I have decided to post the last 2014's Reading Challenge - THE DECEMBER READING CHALLENGE. As I have only 4 weeks to complete my reading, and I still have to read WOOL from my Autumn Reading Challenge, I only pick 4 books. They are all Winter / Christmassy themed and I am really looking forward to get lost within their pages.
In a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels THE SELECTION is the chance of a lifetime: to compete for gorgeous Prince Maxon's heart. But for America Singer it means turning her back on her secret love, and leaving home for a prize she doesn't want.
Then America meets Maxon and all her plans start to crumble. Can the life she's always dreamed of compare to a future she never imagined?
LET IT SNOW by John Green, Maureen Johnson & Lauren Myracle
The worst blizzard for fifty years.
Three wintry love stories.
One magical night.
It's Christmas Eve and Gracetown has been buried by snow. But the weather is more than just an inconvenience. When one girl unexpectedly steps off a stranded train, she sets off a series of life-changing events.
Soon fourteen pumped-up cheerleaders will descend on the local Waffle House, the Duke's DVD night will be rudely interrupted for a Twister mission, and a lovesick barista will determine the fate of a single teacup pig...
All the three stories collide, strangers cross paths and romance blossoms with heart-warming consequences.
MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME edited by Stephanie Perkins
Twelve Writers.
Twelve Winter Romances.
Long, cold nights are for falling in love...
THE HOBBIT by J. R. R. Tolkien (Illustrated by Jemina Catlin)
Bilbo Baggins enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely travelling further than the pantry of his hobbit-hole in Bag End. But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard, Gandalf, and a company of thirteen dwarves arrive on his doorstep to whisk him away on a journey to raid the treasure hoard of Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon...
Check out my list and please let me know what books are on your December Reading list. Also, throughout December I have decided to take part in #decbookchallenge14 on Instagram which was created by @youngadultbookaddict ; @_halfbl00dprincess & @ursula_uriarte. So keep checking my Instagram account for all the pics! I might even post the conclusion post on here. So keep your eyes on it.
In the meantime, keep on reading my blog please. There is a lot of posts coming your way and they aren't all book reviews! 2015 is nearly knocking on our doors and with its arrival come couple of changes to the posts. I have decided to branch out and share even more of my life with you. But that all will come in post in early January'15.
Have a wonderful December guys!
Monday, 1 December 2014
Teri Terry: SLATED
Warning! This book is a brilliant surprise which will blow your mind !
SLATED is a first part of trilogy written by English author Teri Terry. What a great name the author has!! There are two other books : FRACTURED & SHATTERED in this great series.
I have owned this book and was looking forward to reading it for quite some time, especially after reading great reviews by other book reviewers online. I have been hearing big things about this series. So naturally, I must have found out for myself if the stories are true. I included it in my Autumn Reading Challenge and finally found the time to see if all those brilliant reviews were based on true findings.
Hmm. Thriller? I usually don't like thrillers.. Well not after reading and being disappointed by Gone Girl. (No Gillian Flynn, I still haven't forgiven you for that one!!) But YA thriller might actually do the trick and change my mind. And SLATED did the job well.
Welcome to society where the bad youngsters are punished by wiping their memory clean and setting them up with brand new life. A society where they might just get a second chance being better. They are SLATED. They are getting a chance to be redeemed. Meet Kyla. A Sixteen-year-old with freshly wiped memory. She is leaving the hospital to start her new life with new family in brand new place in England. Although everything is new and she even doesn't know how to cross the road safely, she keeps having flashbacks of her old life. Well she thinks, that they are nightmares, but soon enough we find out that this isn't the case. It seems that Kyla is different. But just how different we or her don't know yet. And then there is the lovely Ben she seems to have a connection with... And of course as a brand new slated person, she is being watched. She doesn't know who to trust. She doesn't know what she did to be Slated. And she cannot understand why the old life keeps creeping upon her. Why the slated procedure didn't seem to work properly on her??
Let's start with the edition. I love the drawing / picture on its cover. A Beautiful young girl with bright green eyes which seem to look into your soul. Kyla herself. 434 pages divided into 51 chapters. Mesmerising. Modern.
The writing is just how I like it. Easy to read and follow. Gripping. Exciting. Packed with twists and turns. And it's very modern. There are so many references to modern age and England I cannot even count it on my fingers. I loved it.
The story itself gets under your skin straight from the start. From the first page you will be glued to the book and you won't be able to let go. It's packed with action and happenings. There is always something new and exciting which keeps your mind wonder. What the hell is going on? What did Kyla do to deserve to be Slated? Are these all young people really killers and terrorists? You are not able to put this book down.
The chapters are all right size. There is no unnecessary description of forest or how the wind move. Straight to the point. It lets your imagination go free and wild. It's exciting. Thrilling. Yes, after reading this book, I would call it a thriller. And I must say it's a first thriller I truly enjoyed. It paints a story of very possible future in true colours. Who is the enemy ? Is the government really on our sides?
The characters in this book are really interesting. Kyla. Sixteen year old teenager with so many questions and interesting past she cannot recall. She is fierce. Strong. Independent if allowed. I love her character so far. Her sister Amy seemed like a bland character at the start, just accepting everything without questioning it even if it didn't make sense, but as soon as you find out why she has been slated, you are falling for the character and understanding her a little bit more. Now, Ben.... Well I found him very confusing. He seems to be a happy chap, but he just easily follows what others tell him to do. He doesn't wonder about his past. He doesn't question anything. But soon enough he is proven that he needs to take charge a little bit more. Now, my favourite character is Kyla's adoptive mum. She has been through a lot but is a stronger person for it. She is very intriguing and I hope she is good. She seems to be, especially compare to Kyla's dad who I really really don't trust. He seems shady!
All in all, SLATED is a brilliant start to the trilogy. I cannot wait to sit down and read more. I am packed with excitement of what is coming next. So many questions to be answered. And I need answers!!!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Teri Terry for showing that the thriller genre does have a place in Young Adult literature. I have truly enjoyed this joyful ride.
SLATED is a first part of trilogy written by English author Teri Terry. What a great name the author has!! There are two other books : FRACTURED & SHATTERED in this great series.
I have owned this book and was looking forward to reading it for quite some time, especially after reading great reviews by other book reviewers online. I have been hearing big things about this series. So naturally, I must have found out for myself if the stories are true. I included it in my Autumn Reading Challenge and finally found the time to see if all those brilliant reviews were based on true findings.
"Gripping, chilling and all too real. An un-put-down-able thriller." L.A. Weatherly, author of ANGEL
"An original and hating psychological thriller. I was gripped from the first page and can't wait to read more. " Julie Bertagna, author of EXODUS AND ZENITH
"A beautiful, intriguing puzzle revealed piece by dark and sinister piece." Sara Grant, author of DARK PARTIES
Hmm. Thriller? I usually don't like thrillers.. Well not after reading and being disappointed by Gone Girl. (No Gillian Flynn, I still haven't forgiven you for that one!!) But YA thriller might actually do the trick and change my mind. And SLATED did the job well.
Welcome to society where the bad youngsters are punished by wiping their memory clean and setting them up with brand new life. A society where they might just get a second chance being better. They are SLATED. They are getting a chance to be redeemed. Meet Kyla. A Sixteen-year-old with freshly wiped memory. She is leaving the hospital to start her new life with new family in brand new place in England. Although everything is new and she even doesn't know how to cross the road safely, she keeps having flashbacks of her old life. Well she thinks, that they are nightmares, but soon enough we find out that this isn't the case. It seems that Kyla is different. But just how different we or her don't know yet. And then there is the lovely Ben she seems to have a connection with... And of course as a brand new slated person, she is being watched. She doesn't know who to trust. She doesn't know what she did to be Slated. And she cannot understand why the old life keeps creeping upon her. Why the slated procedure didn't seem to work properly on her??
Let's start with the edition. I love the drawing / picture on its cover. A Beautiful young girl with bright green eyes which seem to look into your soul. Kyla herself. 434 pages divided into 51 chapters. Mesmerising. Modern.
The writing is just how I like it. Easy to read and follow. Gripping. Exciting. Packed with twists and turns. And it's very modern. There are so many references to modern age and England I cannot even count it on my fingers. I loved it.
The story itself gets under your skin straight from the start. From the first page you will be glued to the book and you won't be able to let go. It's packed with action and happenings. There is always something new and exciting which keeps your mind wonder. What the hell is going on? What did Kyla do to deserve to be Slated? Are these all young people really killers and terrorists? You are not able to put this book down.
The chapters are all right size. There is no unnecessary description of forest or how the wind move. Straight to the point. It lets your imagination go free and wild. It's exciting. Thrilling. Yes, after reading this book, I would call it a thriller. And I must say it's a first thriller I truly enjoyed. It paints a story of very possible future in true colours. Who is the enemy ? Is the government really on our sides?
The characters in this book are really interesting. Kyla. Sixteen year old teenager with so many questions and interesting past she cannot recall. She is fierce. Strong. Independent if allowed. I love her character so far. Her sister Amy seemed like a bland character at the start, just accepting everything without questioning it even if it didn't make sense, but as soon as you find out why she has been slated, you are falling for the character and understanding her a little bit more. Now, Ben.... Well I found him very confusing. He seems to be a happy chap, but he just easily follows what others tell him to do. He doesn't wonder about his past. He doesn't question anything. But soon enough he is proven that he needs to take charge a little bit more. Now, my favourite character is Kyla's adoptive mum. She has been through a lot but is a stronger person for it. She is very intriguing and I hope she is good. She seems to be, especially compare to Kyla's dad who I really really don't trust. He seems shady!
All in all, SLATED is a brilliant start to the trilogy. I cannot wait to sit down and read more. I am packed with excitement of what is coming next. So many questions to be answered. And I need answers!!!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Teri Terry for showing that the thriller genre does have a place in Young Adult literature. I have truly enjoyed this joyful ride.
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