Monday 29 December 2014

CARPE LIBRUM TBR PILE CHALLENGE 2015 !! Are you up for it?

2015 is nearly around the corner. Only couple more days and we are out with the old and happy to see the new. New is good. New is exciting. New is surprising. I must say, I've been a little bit of a slacker in reading this year. My TBR challenge on Goodreads went from 75 books down to 50 and only managed to read 47 books. Needless to say, I am disappointed with myself, especially when my book shelves store 144 books I have not read yet!!! 

And this is when my lovely american friend Sara from Carpe Librum Girl stepped in and decided to organise her own reading challenge for 2015 : CARPE LIBRUM TBR PILE CHALLENGE 2015. You don't need to be a blogger to enter it. Do you have an Instagram, Facebook, Twitter account? Do you love books and have a pile at home you haven't read yet? Guess what, she has a solution for you. Sign up for reading challenge. Here is the link for her post and all the rules are properly explained: . What are you waiting for? Sign up and finally read the beautiful stories which are awaiting for you on your book shelves. 


1. The challenge will run from January 1st, 2015 - December 31st, 2015. The sign up link will remain open until January 10, 2015 at 11:30AM PST. 
2. ANYONE CAN ENTER! You don't have to be a blogger, just as long as you review the book you've read. You can review your book on your blog, Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Goodreads, Instagram etc. 
3. Any genre, length, or format of a book counts as long as it is a book that's been sitting on your self for some time. Short stories and novellas do count! The only stipulations that the book must have been released in 2014 or earlier. NO 2015 ARCs or 2015 FRESH-OFF-THE-PRESS RELEASE ALLOWED!!
4. On the 30th of every other month, Sara will post a wrap-up for the previous two months and it will contain new links for you to add your own wrap-up posts. 
5. THERE WIL BE 2 GIVEAWAYS! IN JULY & DECEMBER. Give-away details will be explained once the giveaway post goes live on Sara's blog. Bless her, she doesn't want to overwhelm us with too many details ;-)
6. You don't have to follow her or me or others to join the challenge, but you do have to follow Sara (@carpelibrumgirl) on Instagram/Twitter account or her blog to join the giveaways. 


31-40 : I GOT THIS!


1. Write a post about joining the 2015 TBR PILE CHALLENGE on your blog. If you don't have a blog, post about it on Facebook or tweet about it via Twitter or repost her IG POST on your IG page!
2. In your post, don't forget to include: the button/banner, link back to her Sign up page, the level you're aiming at and - if you want - a list of books you're hoping to read for the challenge. 
3. Place the challenge button on your sidebar ( please use the grab link on the bottom of Sara's original post). 
4. Link up in the linky on Sara's post using the link to your post / tweet. 
5. That's it. You are done!! WELCOME TO CAPRE LIBRUM GIRL's TBR PILE CHALLENGE 2015!! GOOD LUCK tackling your pile!! 

Read the rule and how to join? Great!! Let's give it all a try!! 

Firstly, let me tell you what level I am aiming for. As I said I have been a little bit lazy this year, but I have made the executive decision to make 2015 my year, so I am aiming for 60+ books that means I WILL BE MARRIED TO MY TBR PILE!! Yes, I want to read quite a big chunk of my to-be-read books list of my Goodreads list and finally say that I have read a lot of my books I bought in last couple of years!! You all know I have a shopping addiction. I just cannot stop buying books, so I have decided not to buy any books between January 1st, 2015 and March 31st 2015. It will be a struggle, but I banned myself from Amazon website and Leeds branch of Waterstones. It will be hard, but I need to take a break, otherwise my bank account will start to hate me. 

Secondly, here is the link to my Goodreads account so you can see my TBR pile: . Feel free to become my friend too ;-) 

So what are you all waiting for? To your MacBooks, iMacs, Laptops, iPads, iPhone, Mobiles, PCs....go go go !! And sign up so we all can make room for more books. 


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