Friday 28 August 2015

Adi Alsaid : LET'S GET LOST

Warning! If you are expecting a classic road trip style of a book, then you are in a hell of a surprise!

LET'S GET LOST is a Young Adult debut novel written by the well-travelled Adi Alsaid. This is a first novel by Mr Alsaid I have read.

I included this book on my August for 3 reasons :

1. The blur on the back sounded promising.
2. It's a road trip style of a book. And you know how much I have grown to love those.
3. And it sounded like a good novel to read in the summertime.

So of course, the pros have won and I have decided to find out what is hidden within the novel's pages.



Mysterious Leila, who is on the road trip of a lifetime, has a habit  of crashing into people's worlds at the moment they need someone the most.

There's Hudson, who is willing to throw away his dreams for love. And Bree, a runaway who seizes every Tuesday - and a few stolen goods along the way. Elliot, who believes in happy endings... until his own goes off-script. And Sonia, who worries that she's lost her ability to love.

Hudson, Bree, Elliot and Sonia find a friend in Leila. But Leila's trip could help her discover something bigger - that sometimes the only way to find what you're looking for is to get lost along the way...


Ok, let's start with the easy part first. The edition. I am a proud owner of the paperback edition published by Harlequin Teen in 2014. 338 pages divided into 5 parts : HUDSON, BREE, ELLIOT, SONIA & LEILA. The cover is hip and trendy. A map of USA and a road trip destination marked on it. The writing in red, orange & pink tones which compliments each other. The design is very simple and modern. I really like it.

The writing is easy to read and follow. I do enjoy that the story is told from 5 different points of view. I love how each character has a different tale to tell. We can all find a representation of ourselves in one of their stories. They are very relatable. Funny. Exciting. Hilarious at times. I love the mystery around Leila. We don't know why she decided to go on a road trip at the start. We don't get to know her story until the very end. But she has an aura about her. Her good heart and beautiful personality shines through. She helps them figure out their troubles and their story.

And that is why Leila is one of the most fascinating characters I have the pleasure to meet for quite some time. She is a beautiful girl with a kind heart. She is on a mission to see The Northern Lights. And on the way she meets strangers in trouble and helps them figure out their paths in life. She has a secret which she takes anywhere with her. A secret which hangs above her but doesn't stop her to live her life and help others.

However, my favourite story is Elliot's. I adore the story of un-required love. We all have been in Elliot's shoes regardless if we are a girl or a boy. We all know how heartbreaking the situation can get. But Leila doesn't let Elliot to let go of his dream her. She pushes him and pushes him to do everything in his power to win the love of the girl. I also love how many film references are mentioned in this part! Bring on good old 80's romantic comedies - The Breakfast Club at the top.

So all in all, I fell in love with this book. I must say I wasn't sure about it at the start. Hudson's story didn't impress me much, but then we met Bree, Elliot & Sonia and I was slowly finding myself invested more and more in the story. And then the heart-breaking reason's of Leila's journey came out and I was crying my eyes out. Especially when little Dee decided to throw Leila a birthday party. So thoughtful that little monkey !!

This was an inspiring adventure. Not only I got to go on a road trip around USA ( my ever present dream and hope for the future), but I also read 5 wonderful tales about love, friendship, loss and finding happiness. It was beautiful. Charming. Spell-bounding. Eternal. Adorable.

So thank Adi for taking the time and put on a paper such a great tale. I cannot wait to read more stories created in your talented mind. 


  1. It sounds amazing, another book i just have grab a copy of! Loved this xx
    Daizy xx

    1. Oh thanks lovely. You should definitely give it a go! :) xo

  2. I've not read ANY road trip books. Where would you suggest I start?

    1. Hey Jennifer,

      I would start with Morgan Matson's AMY & ROGER'S EPIC DETOUR and then move onto KISSING IN AMERICA by Margo Rabb & OPEN ROAD SUMMER by Emery Lord. And don't forget PAPER TOWNS by John Green :) You can find reviews for these books on this blog as well! Hope you will enjoy them if you decide to read any of them xo

  3. We nominated youo for a Liebster award! Go over to our blog for the rules and questions xx

    1. Thank you lovely !! I will definitely check it out :) xo
