Monday 31 August 2015

Jandy Nelson : I'LL GIVE YOU THE SUN

Warning! Prepare yourself for some major feelings!!

I'LL GIVE YOU THE SUN is a contemporary YA novel written by the gorgeous and very talented Jandy Nelson.

This is a second book I have read which bares the same author's name. I absolutely loved THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE. She set the bar really high with that one. I was expecting great things. Many book bloggers around the world sang praises about I'll Give You The Sun, so of course I was intrigued and very interested in finding out if all the lovely reviews are through. And August allowed me to finally found out.


Jude and her twin Noah are close until a tragedy drives them apart. Now they are barely speaking - and both falling for boys they can't have. Love's complicated.


Short but very intriguing blur. It makes you want to read more. It makes you want to find out more. Very effective. Actually let just express how much I love the whole edition. I own the paperback published this year by Walker books. I think this type was specially realised for Waterstones - UK bookstore. I love the book's yellow design. Pages dyed yellow colour. Front and back is yellow too with black writing and drawings. 429 pages. I love, love, LOVE the whole edition. Mine even includes two postcards! Yay.

The writing. Easy to read. Modern. Filled with so many emotions. Intriguing. The story is told from two points of view: Noah ( Age 13,5 - 14) & Jude (Age 16). The way it is told from these two point of views in different timelines keeps it more interesting. I makes you want to read on and find out what has happened to these two twins who used to be joint by the hip and now they are barely speaking.

I also want to say how much I appreciate that Ms Nelson included a homosexual relationship. Many authors in YA are still staying away from these relationship, but thank god Ms Nelson didn't do the same. I love Noah. He is a wonderful character. And he is falling in love with the boy next door. You can see how much they care about each other. Even at a young age. You can witness them falling in love and struggling against the prejudice and judgement of others. What a beautiful story.

Jude is a beautiful young female character who's struggling to find her feet in the world at the moment. Something in the past made her close herself from the world. Become invisible. She lost herself. She lost her connection to her brother. Her soul mate. And now she is falling for a guy when least expected. Armed with a her inherited bible - a book of proverbs, she is trying her hardest to find hew right path.

Wow, this story left me with so, SO many feelings. I cried. I laughed. The way the story is written its like luring you in. Slowly, with subtle jokes and easy going writing, and then it's get more more and  serious. It makes you even more hooked and you cannot put it down. You hold your breathe that the twins find their way back to each other. You wish for them to get the boys they both love. You want all general happy ending. It's spell-binding. Magical. Artsy. Beautiful. It's a book which will stay with you long after you have finish it.

So well done Ms Nelson. You have done it again! You made me an emotional wreck with you heart-shattering, wonderful tale. I wasn't able to part with it for even a day. Thank you for introducing me to Jude & Noah and their little world. Your mesmerising story-telling wrote a book I cannot wait to re-read in the future and recommend it to all my friends. Also, thank you for sharing with us your introduction and feelings about this story. Your words were beautiful.

So all in all, I think every reader who loves a good emotional tale should have think book in their library.

Ms Nelson I cannot wait to read your next book :)


  1. This one looks so good!!! I'll have to add it to my future reading list! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Hi Shelbie! Yes, it's definitely a great story to read !! Hope you will enjoy it :) xo

  2. I love this book! It's my absolute favorite great review xx

  3. I love this book! It's my absolute favorite great review xx

    1. Thank you lovely!! Absolutely, I have been blown away with this story!! xo
