Wednesday 7 January 2015

Kiera Cass : THE ONE

Warning: Prepare your tissues.. You are in for an emotional ride.

THE ONE is the third book in The Selection Series written by the very cool Kiera Cass. I have loved and adored this series so far so much, that I couldn't put it down, even when I wanted to and my eyes begged me to. And The One is no exception.

Finally, America has realised what and who she wants and is ready to fight and win her prince. Maxon is the love of her life and she is doing everything in her power to prove him that she loves him (even when the actual words haven't come out of either of their mouths..). But she doesn't have a smooth journey ahead of her. The king doesn't like her.. The rebels are still attacking the palace and Maxon hasn't told her that he loves her yet. He is still swinging between her and the other girls in The Elite. Will she prove her love to him at the end? And will the love be returned?

Let's start with the easy part. The edition. A paperback. 323 pages long. A beautiful image of America in white dress (Hint-hint about the ending maybe?) on the front. Kiera didn't disappoint with her dedication: " For Callaway, the boy who climbed into the tree house in my heart and let me be the crown on his." Beautiful. Heart-warming. But as usual she took the funny approach in her acknowledgement: "Can you just put your hand on the page and pretend I'm giving you a high five? Seriously. How else do I thank you for reading my books?" Humble. Funny. Very wonderful on Kiera's part.

The writing is exciting and easy to read as usual. There are so many twists and turns that my head spins and still  I cannot put the book down. Thrilling. Joyful. Heart-breaking. Heart-shattering. Beautiful. The story keeps on giving and just when you think that the happy ending is near and these two pull their heads out of their respectable behinds and tell each other how they feel... boom.. there is another twists and you are left huffing and puffing with disappointment and anger. Typical slow burn. I bet the Arrow writers read these books, because again I cannot stop and compare my beautiful Olicity to America and Maxon. Talk about a slow development in a relationship... And being scared to take the next step. 

Now, the as I said it keeps on giving. This woman knows how to make a reality show exciting. She knows how to engage the reader.. The modern writing means that you are hooked and cannot put the book down. Absolutely fantastic. I am so so SO happy that my stubborn mind didn't give up on the first impression and I have ended up reading this series as I fell utterly, deeply and undeniably in love with these books. I have loved every single page, chapter and book in this series.

Thanks to Cass' writing abilities and story-telling you are on a roller coaster of emotion. Love. Anger. Happiness. Disappointment... One minute you are laughing out loud or smiling like a goof, next you are throwing the book in the corner frustrated with the story. And that's what a good story should do. You should go through that roller coaster ride, because at the end it's worth it.

I am counting down the days to the next book being realised. THE HEIR  is being released on May 5th, 2015. In the meantime, after my ban for buying books has ended, I'll be purchasing The Selection  Stories Part 1 : The Guard & The Prince, as soon as I can.

Thank you Kiera Cass for such a wonderful, thrilling love story. It has been a joyful ride so far and I cannot wait to discover more from the world of THE SELECTION.

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