Friday 9 January 2015

ZC Book Club

You all know how much I love Instagram. I think it's my favourite social networking site / app. There are so many beautiful pictures of books & other things out there...but the best part is that you get to meet so many lovely people and bloggers who loves books as much as you do.

Last year I have met Sara from . We have become fast friends. We talk all the time. And the other day, when Sara saw picture of my January TBR list, she suggested a read along since she is planning to read the same book this month. So we got talking and an idea of a monthly book club has been born - ZC BOOK CLUB & Read-Along on Instagram. 

The rules are easy. Every month we  - the little me & the lovely Sara - pick a book to read, which we all start reading around the 15th of the month. We give you 7 days to read the book and all you have to do is map your progress on Instagram. We will give you 5 days notice to join in. 

How do I join, you may ask? Follow me or Sara on Instagram, around January 10th 2015 we will post an invitational picture and you just need to repost it so we know that you are in. 

Don't forget to use the hashtag: #ZCbookclub ;-) 

Easy. Are you joining in with us?

So we are starting this month. Our choice for the month of January 2015 is (drum rolls please!!): 

WE SHE WENT by Gayle Forman

So all you have to do now is follow me and Sara on Instagram: @zuzvystrcilova & @carpelibrumgirl

We are both looking forward to see your posts!! 

Zuz xoxo


  1. So excited! Thanks for joining me on this project ☺

    1. Oh I know !!! Cannot wait to put it all in place.. There is lots of excited stuff ahead of us :-) xoxo
