So when my best friend / housemate asked me what I want to do for my birthday on October 4th (just in case you want to send me presents - I would not say NO to that hehe), my choice was only one. Midday showing of Perks of being a wallflower. The trailer got me reading the book - the book which was so incredible! So of course, I want to see at the first possible moment. I was a bit worried. The novel so great, what if the movie doesn't live up to it?
What a wonderful surprise this was !!! From start to finish I was captivated and could not take my eyes of the screen. The main trio of characters and their protagonists were just right - perfect if I could say! And they played their parts so well. And I enjoy the interaction between them three. They were a great bunch! I actually wish they would be my friends. I loved the friendship they created for us. That's the way I want my friendships to be. Close. Always stand by each other. Overcome bumps on the road. Enjoy life. And enjoy a great music ;-)
Logan Lerman is a perfect Charlie. If I could chose anybody in the world of Hollywood and acting I would not find a better actor to play Charlie. His performance is a perfection. He really got Charlie and the way he is. You could even see the innocence in his eyes - the same innocence Charlie viewed the world. And he was kinda awkward like Charlie is described in the novel.
If I loved Logan as Charlie, then I absolutely adored Ezra Miller as Patrick. He was brilliant. This was the first movie I have seen Ezra in and I have not a bad word to say about his performance. Everything was spot on. He was the playful, smart, confident Patrick as Stephen Chbosky written him in the novel.He made me laugh on many occasions and i think he is the one to watch for in the future.
Emma Watson as Sam?Hmmmm. To be honest I was a little bit worried about Emma's performance. Poor girl will never be able to get rid of Hermione Granger. She always be known to the world as the best friend of Harry Potter, but I have to say this character suited her well. She took a risk and showed us what a great actress she is. Her interpretation of Sam was the way I imagined Sam to be in my head. She was no Hermione, but confident young girl who was trying to figure out her place in the world. I absolutely loved her!
Yes, the movie was not exactly like the book. Some parts were missing but I did not mind it a bit. The story unfolded beautifully. Mr Chbosky has done a great job as a director. He made me laugh so hard that my belly hurt ( and trust me it hurts even more after you have done 150 crunches in the gym.). The scene which made me laugh the most was when Charlie got stoned on brownies and MaryElizabeth asked him what he thinks about high school. This movie made me cry so hard as well. For last 25 minutes tears we pouring down my face, my T-shirt was wet from crying and I was sobbing hard. I was so glad the cinema was empty and tonight when I watched it again I was happy to be alone.
This movie makes you think about life, about love, family, friends, relationships.. For about 20 mins I was sat in silence like after reading the book and just thought about my future. And do you know what I realised : "There is a whole world out there!"
My favourite quote from the book and movie always will be: "We accept the love, we think we deserve!"Paul Rudd put a great performance as Charlie's english teacher. He is one of my favourite characters apart from the main trio. I have never seen him playing a serious part like that. And I have to say Well done.

All in all, if you haven't guessed it yet, I absolutely loved, loved, loved this movie. I think it was a great, very powerful adaptation of the book. It could not have been done better. I know a lot of people and critics maybe have a different opinion, but to me this movie changed my life as much as the novel. Stephen Chbosky is a genius, great writer, director and he help me to open my eyes to brand new world. Thanks to him I have decided to stop dreaming and start making my dreams true. So World and Future, I am ready to take on you and live the life I want to live. I want to be happy!
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