City Of Ashes is a second instalment of The Mortal Instruments.
Usually, I am very very vary about the second book. We all know my opinions about New Moon and Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets. But Cassandra Clare proved me wrong.
Firstly, she made sure that I will be compelled to read the next book. The reason why as you probably all know the massive twist at the end of the first book. Clary and Jace supposed to be brother and sister, really? They are soul mates!! They should be together and make little shadow hunters together! But it seems that this will not happen !! My heart was broken when Valentine said those words that they are siblings! Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. But now I have to read on to find out if this is true or not. If them two are really not meant to be together.
Secondly, the story is so amazing. I love the whole sha
dow hunter's world hidden in New York City.
As I said we left the story after Clary found out that she is Valentine's daughter and Jace's sister. She has just discovered this hidden world and we continue to follow her on the journey of how she will deal with this whole new situation. We also found out that Luke is a werewolf and her mother is in hospital in some very strange coma. Let's say she has a lot on her plate. And to all this she is in love with Jace - her own brother. And he is so in love with her. I love how Cassandra Clarke started write from Simon's, Clary's and Jace's point of view.
And again, the story is full of surprises. Simon becomes a vampire and afterwards a vampire who can walk in the sun (thanks to Jace and his blood). We meet the Seelie Queen of Fairy Court (who is a first class bitch!) who tricks Clary and Jace to kiss (because Jace's kiss is the one Clary most desires). And at the end we all feel how heartbroken is Clary after Jace announces that from now on he will be like a brother to her. And of course, there is the rune power of Clary's where she destroys a whole ship. Wow.. a lot to go through isn't it?!?
So all in all City Of Ashes is a great second instalment. The first second instalment I have ever really enjoyed.
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